Today's Evil Beet Gossip

Your Daily Paris

Miz Hilton does some shopping in LA on Tuesday.

Heh. I wore a kind of similar dress today. Except mine cost $20 at Target and hers probably cost more than my rent. In fairness, hers is cuter than mine. But not, like, that much cuter.

9 CommentsLeave a comment

  • have you ever noticed that paris hilton’s shoes always look a little, oh i don’t know, orthopedic or something? they just don’t quite make the grade…they’re a little granny-like orthopedic pumps. i’m just saying…

  • Ok I never say anything good about Paris, her clothes, her dog, or anything associated with her but this is a badass dress. She just needs boobs to fill out the front a little.

  • what a sad excuse for a life, honestly
    i don’t know how she sleeps at night knowing that the next day she just has to wear something pretty and shop
    so boring i think i would die

  • Oh! So when she’s not with the Madden twin she dress like her usual self and NOT like his clone. Very interesting. Well…okay, I take back the very….and the interesting. sorry.