Today's Evil Beet Gossip

Bailout Rejected!

The House failed to pass the $700B bailout plan for Wall Street.

As a result, the Dow Jones industrials plunged nearly 800 points, the most ever for a single day.

Yay economy!

13 CommentsLeave a comment

  • Maybe this is a sign that civil servants do give a crap about the citizens they represent…….Nah….they just wanted to short some stocks to grab a little vacation money…

  • Donkey Stench is one of those foreign dudes that’s always pissed off because he hits on American women and gets rejected cus he fucks up the lingo.

    “Hello theeere baby chiclet… You are looking very cumly tonight. May I take you to my flat and bust a night cap in your ass???”

  • THE BUSH LEGACY….endless war….economic melt down…..0 accountability….gee, ain’t it great?

  • And yet again, you guys are going to hate my comment, but it was definitely the right thing to happen. The government has no business bailing out big business. The rise and fall of institutions is how capitalism works.

  • Yup, it was pretty awful. My 60 year old mom who is a nurse called almost in tears wondering if she was going to be able to retire ever because she lost a lot of money she had been saving for retirement. Thanks for the lesson, crappy Congress!

    Nancy Pelosi shouldn’t have made that stupid speech because it pissed off some very sensitive Republicans. And then the uber-liberals like Dennis Kucinich voted no to teach us a lesson. Do they actually think Americans learn lessons? When have we ever learned from history? It’s like the super liberals who voted Nader in 2000- yeah, great lesson. We still don’t have a 3 party system and we got the worst president in history for 8 years. Thanks. Then I knew some folks who wanted Bush to win in 04 to teach us a lesson cause then the country would be so far to the left. Yeah right. It’s a neck and neck race today.

    Rejecting the bailout reminds me of someone standing in front of a car who has run a stop sign and letting the car hit you to teach it a lesson. Yeah, the driver will sure learn they can’t get away with running a stop sign. But your ass just got hit by a car.

    And P.S. It was not brave to vote against the bailout. It’s a hard decision to make. Most of the “no” votes were selfish jerks up for re-election who thought it more important to keep their jobs than to keep the economy safe. I’m sorry for anyone else who got screwed/will get screwed.

  • I’ve been thinking about this a lot. The trouble with the no vote is, as Dinosaurs says, that the people it punishes most are not the banks.

    Keightlynn, the government may not have a responsibility to bail out big business, but doesn’t it have a responsibility to look after ordinary citizens? The result of the no vote is a collapsing economy that will cause problems for every single American (not to mention further innocent parties overseas). Isn’t it the responsibility of Congress to do what it can to avoid that scenario?

    It’s no good sitting back and seeing this simply as the banks getting their comeuppance. The banks may get their comeuppance, but, in the mean time, ordinary people are having their lives turned upside down through no fault of their own, and these maverick Republican congressmen are making matters worse.

  • i agree with grace. it is beyond childish to think we should sit back and let wall st. learn their lesson…the bigwigs on wall street are not going to get schooled in any way. they will still get their fucking golden parachutes (in addition to the millions they have already made) and it will be the average citizens who will suffer. the taxpayers will pay for this mess, one way or another, either directly or indirectly. and the crybaby republicans who got “hurt feelings” over nancy pelosi’s speech can suck it hard all fucking day. they should hang their heads in shame for using “partisanship politics” as an excuse for stalling on this. congress & reps: suck it up, get back to work and do your goddamn jobs.

  • It should teach every one of you, and most of the free world a lesson.

    It’s your right to vote, you put these people in political power there by either voting for them or just not voting. That’s where it all starts

    This is a problem that can’t be solved by pointing the finger at everyone else trying to lay the blame.

    It’s not just politicians, large companies, or banks…it’s you, and you and you, and everyone else…everybody

  • Don’t kid yourself, we don’t have free market capitalism in this country. The government offers these large corporations huge incentives and tax breaks. The government ignores and sometimes even encourages questionable and unethical behavior among the corporate elite. There is no such thing as a level playing field. Do you know how many people made piles of money from this mortgage/banking debacle? The government has to step in to rescue us from the very pirates whom the government heartily welcomed and assisted in their rape and pillage party. Bush and Co. (including Repubs) didn’t want to “interfere” when it came to regulating, but they were happy to intervene in the pursuit of the almighty dollar.

    Nope, no free market capitalism. I’ve heard the term corporatism used and maybe that’s the truth.

  • How about people stop buying stuff they can’t afford? I feel bad for people who lost money for retirement, but I don’t feel bad for people with major credit card debt or mortgages they can’t afford. They probably couldn’t pay for them to begin with, and that’s not the government’s fault.