Today's Evil Beet Gossip

New Release: The Killers, “Human”

It doesn’t look like we’re getting a new Britney Spears track today — her label made a last-minute decision that it wasn’t yet ready for radio release — so, instead, we bring you the new single from The Killers, “Human.”

What do we think?

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  • i think that they are going back to what they are better at.
    i mean it’s not anything as amazing as their first cd, but i think its better than half the stuff on sam’s town. so hopefully the whole cd will be more like hot fuss. cause their debut was amazing.

  • You can blame the critics for the new single. They hammered Sam’s Town when it came out. I for one, thoroughly enjoyed Sam’s Town. I could easily put the disc on play all without having to worry about skipping a weak song. Although I won’t say the new direction (or back to there roots some may say) is a bad decision, as the song is currently growing on me.

  • I think we need to remember that The Killers are not shy of their musical influences and their love for Bruce Springsteen, Dire Straits, New Order and the Pet Shop Boys to name but a few.

    Human is a classic pop slant based on when the Pet Shop Boys were in their prime.

    Having heard a few tracks from their new album inclusing Spaceman and Neon Tiger then I can assure you that the finished album will pull out everything special about why we love The Killers.

    Can’t wait for you to take it on tour………

  • Flowers lyrics are only getting deeper and deeper,”Give my regards to soul and romance, they always did they always did the best they could”, I think it is brilliant and cant wait to hear the whole album. A little more then “You look like a boyfriend who looked like a girlfriend that I met in February of last year” Yeah it isnt Sams Town, it isnt Hot Fuss or the Petshop boys for that matter…judge it for what it is now and remember that The Killers love to experiment their sound.