Mark Ronson’s girlfriend, model Daisy Lowe, brought a dog to sit front row with her at the Matthew Williamson show at New York Fashion Week.
Oh, and she brought an adorable little Havanese puppy, too.
I had to, you guys. I had no choice in the matter. You don’t get set up like that every day, ya know. In fact, I can’t believe that Kelly Osbourne didn’t see it coming. If I were her, I would have been like, “Look, Daisy, you can bring that dog in here if you want, but I’m not being photographed anywhere near you. I’m not just going to hand those fuckers the punchlines.” Gotta think a step ahead of us, Kelly!
Seriously, though, this is totally something I’d do with Leo, and I loooooove Daisy for it.
ai!! skelet in front
Exclusio Video: Daisy Lowe Nude Video
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Enjoy!!! She pretty sexy….
I’m sure she was there for Luke Worrall. :/
Beet have you missed a trick did you know Daisy’s dad is Mr Gwen Stefani – aka Gavin Rossdale???
All true, but then you knew that didn’t you? I wish they would both go get a tan to be honest.
Nah, I like their pale skin. Serious, I do!!
i think kelly is totally cute. stop bashing.
hahahahhahahah! no way! kelly’s not really a dog, but she’s not that pretty a site. daisy lowe however.. babe! beet! try and incorporate her in more.
Despite being headless, im quite in love with the catwalk model.
Rather be pale than orange!
Daisy Lowe is such a leech on Mark Ronson and Gwen Stefani. Like seriously I bet her and her vile mother nearly died when the paternity test came back positive and they found they could suck fame from being linked to the Gavin and Gwen. YUK hate this girl so much!
you`ve got this great line and sometimes you`ve just gotta wait ….and wait months(even years) to pitch it at the exact right time….and ‘whammo’…you let fly……and it lands square on the chin……ahhh bliss….all is well again with the world :)
In all seriousness shouldn’t “celebrities” not bring animals places because some people are allergic?? I love animals just as much as the next person, but don’t think its fair to the animal either. What’s wrong with people??!! Mind you my dog is a siberian husky, so i don’t really get the whole little animal thing.
Wow, her traps are enormous!
I’m pretty sure she’s been a model for agent provocateur for 3 years. Probably before you’d even heard of Mark Ronson. And as for leeching from gwen stefani, they dont really speak. And you cant blame her for her mum.
You’re a bit of an idiot.
kelly osbournes amazing and she dresses herself so well for her shape and deserves to go to fashion shows without being blamed for not being an anorexic girraffe like the models