Today's Evil Beet Gossip

Uh, Dude … Your Mic’s On

It’s always fun when the talking heads don’t realize they’re being recorded and let you know what they really think.

Here are two conservative commentators on MSNBC talking about Sarah Palin — when they think nobody’s listening.

Thanks Rebecca!

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  • Watch it, Peggy, you don’t want Sarah and Todd Palin on your bad side. They might try to get you fired. And Levi might kick your ass.

  • That’s almost as bad as Jesse Jackson wanting to cut Obama’s nuts off…

    People will never learn that a mic should always be considered ‘live’. LOL.

  • my dad is a life long republican and he can’t figure out why his party has picked this woman. he thinks it is unconscionable that she opted to run at this time with her daughter’s situation when she could have easily and gracefully said: “no, i have a new special needs baby. let’s talk next time after i’ve run alaska for a while and my family situation is more settled.”

    from what i understand mccain really wanted lieberman and when his staff finally convinced him that that would never work, the vetting process for 6 candidates was completed in 6 days. haste makes waste folks!

    i think a lot of republicans feel the way those commentators do. unfortunately, the party has been well and truly hijacked by extremists and special interests and the “average” republican has really lost his/ her voice within the party. believe it or not, a lot of republicans are actually pro-choice.

    at any rate, i really hope they have bristol in some sort of counseling to be able to cope with all of this embarassing negative publicity. imagine the pressure on this girl. she’s the butt of every joke and if her mom loses the election she’ll be a very handy scapegoat.

  • I’ve had 24-hour news channels on all day today (what doesn’t kill me, makes me stronger, right?) & I have to say that the only time any of the anchors have really mentioned Bristol’s pregnancy at any length is when John McCain staged a photo-op with her boyfriend on a tarmac somewhere. He keeps bringing it to the forefront of the coverage. Personally, I’ll take a Peggy Noonan/Mike Murphy hot mic conversation any day.

  • ribbet, from having read your comments here, I can tell you must be a really nice person. Probably someone I’d like to hang with and talk and talk with if we lived in the same town. I think you have wonderful thoughts about what would be right for Bristol Palin, but I have to tell you, don’t hold your breath on that one!!! That’s just not the way of the wilderness folk in Alaska. Alaskan’s call their state “the last frontier.” Let’s focus on the word frontier for a moment. Conjure up images of the wild west for you? Alaska is a rough place to live. The climate is tough up north and just rainy and miserable in the Southeast. The terrain is tough and it is land that has not been settled for centuries like the Northeast of the US. It takes tough, rugged people to live there. I am sure in the 30 years that have passed since I lived there that things may have changed some…there are surely more hippie-type, Green people living there who want to save the environment, but in general (and just look at the supposed 80% approval rating the governor has) most Alaskans ARE conservative, rugged individuals – much like those in the wild west tradition. They are not going to be hiring any old “frou-frou head doctor, shrink” to help their child. Counseling is for sissies. Bristol’s situation is true to form for Alaskans – more than half the girls in my graduating class had babies while still in school or directly thereafter. Granted they weren’t in the spotlight, but hey…once she gets back to Alaska after the last embers of John McCain’s failed campaign have burnt out, she’ll go back to being the typical Alaskan 17 year girl with a bun in the oven and NO counseling sessions in sight.

  • You know what’s bullshit? Saying, because she’s a woman, who is also a mother, she can’t do this job. What the fuck? No one is saying shit to Obama. Thanks everyone, for putting us back another 15yrs. I’m sick of shit like this. Mother’s every where should be offended. Show me a mum who can’t multi-task just as good or better than a man. Regarding her pregnant teen, maybe if the whores in Hollywood cleaned up their image and didn’t get knocked up with out being married, our young women would have more confidence in themselves. They might be less likely to hop in the sack with the first person that looks at them side ways!

  • Shan, like you I want to be outraged about the attitude that because she’s a mother that should come first and her career second whereas it is always assumed that men have a woman somewhere to take care of the child raising. In this case, she has a newborn special needs child and a 17 year old who is pregnant whilst her mother supports abstinence only contraception. Whether these difficulties should be dealt with by her husband or as a couple or she should take a few steps back and say no to the VP nomination is entirely up to her and her husband.

    No one is saying shit to Obama because his daughters are neither special needs nor pregnant and the family seems to be getting along fine.

    Don’t blame the “whores of Hollywood”, that’s a cheap shot and badly thought out. Teen pregnancy in places like Alaska is caused by social situations. I don’t see a lot of pregnant teens in Hollywood. Mores the pity. Maybe if the popular media took time out to address pregnancy, contraception, and most importantly consequences, in a way that was relevant to teens that might lead to a little more forethought before foreplay.

  • Please show me who (other than the nuttiest of nutcakes) is saying that she shouldn’t be VP because she’s a woman and a mother?

    This election is about the issues. Other than abortion, creationism, teen sex, polar bears, guns, and drilling for oil, where does she stand on the issues? What does she know about the national economy? What does she know about what is going on in the world? She’s already admitted she hasn’t thought very much about Iraq (other than to say that it’s a “task of god”). If anything, the only reason McCain and Rove picked her is BECAUSE she’s a woman and a mother (not to mention rabidly anti-abortion). It certainly isn’t because she’s more qualified than so many other republican women.

    Peggy Noonan is right (did I just write that?), this is nothing but political bullshit.

  • shan, you need to chill. no one is saying she shouldn’t run because she is a mother, they are saying she shouldn’t have been picked because every reason mccain had for obama being unqualified also applies to her. the part about her kids is that she needs to shut the fuck up about abstinence only, and quit being a hypocrit. family values my ass.

  • shan – you do know that the state with the highest teen pregnancy is texas, right? i feel like if someone (man or woman) has a special needs newborn AND a 17 year old, unmarried pregnant daughter AND is the subject of an ethics violation investigation that person probably should not be thinking about being VP of anything and should maybe spend some time getting his/her personal life into shape, especially if that person is constantly blabbering on about “family values”.

  • hi shan: i went on a rant about that very topic on another post. i have very limited short term memory so i can’t remember which one. i’ve been drinking too much of the BITCH wine that Asta recommended – thanks for that tip Asta!

    i hope my post wasn’t misconstrued: i firmly believe that a woman can and should be not only a vp candidate but a presidential one regardless of her family status – btw, so does my ultra-conservative republican dad.

    my thoughts with regard to her decision to run now was how her daughter’s pregnancy has been used to attack palin’s character, parenting and qualifications. she could have avoided this by putting off running during this election. i’m talking purely and solely about the responsibility she had to her child to shield her from this type of public embarassment.

    just wanted to clarify. =)

    @JoJo: thanks. i just have to hope you’re wrong about her getting some help.

    watching the convention now and wondering why john didn’t pick linda lingle, governor of hawaii, if he needed a woman? wonder what’s in her closet?

    beet: maybe you could post pictures of michelle obama, joe biden’s wife, cindy mccain and palin’s convention fashion choices. (cindy’s had a couple of interesting choices.) if you do, please don’t forget hillary’s tangerine pantsuit!

  • I actually agree with Shan on this one. No one is saying she shouldn’t run because she’s a mother? Uh, yes, they are. Statements like “she has a special needs baby” and “a pregnant teen daughter” are everywhere. So what? Maybe her husband is the “mommy’ in the family? If she was a man, I guarantee that no one would be talking about the special needs baby and the pregnant teen all the time. I’m a democrat btw, but I think this constant chatter about her kids is pointless.

  • Have you posted the video of the democratic VP nominee, Joe Biden, when he said, “You have to speak Arab to go into a 7-11 or Duncan Doughnuts?” Have you posted Barack Obama’s paster saying, “It’s not God bless America, it’s God fuck America”? Come on. Your “journalistic integrity”, and I use that term loosely for you, is not intact. TEAM MCCAIN/PALIN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • I’m not saying she shouldn’t run because she’s a mother, I’m saying she shouldn’t run because she’s bringing a lot of controversy and negative publicity to her party. McCain couldn’t find ANYONE ELSE? Seriously?

    I’m sure that 80% approval rating is possible. Alaska is very conservative, and she has a reputation for getting rid of corruption. And she’s a cute, perky woman who seems to have a down to earth/girl-next-door charm. A crazy, gun-happy, pro-life girl next door…normally I don’t condone bashing the opposition, but the cartoons and fake news segments about Palin shooting polar bears and clubbing baby seals make me giggle.

    Ribbit, I’m so glad to having introduced you to a great new wine! It’s one of the few times I’ve bought a bottle for the label and not been disappointed. I agree that we should have some photo posts comparing the female fashion of the two conventions. Let’s do it, Beet!

  • Anya, if her husband was the “mommy” of the family, why isn’t he ever holding the baby? In every instance where the entire family is photographed or televised, Bristol is holding the baby. That gives me the impression that he’s not up for the nurturing.

    I’m going to stand by my belief that she shouldn’t have accepted the position having recently had a child, especially one with special needs, along with the fact that her unwed teenage daughter is pregnant. I would feel the same exact way for a man in this position. Maybe I’ll start trusting her when she starts using her position of power to be an activist for down syndrome/other special needs. So far, I have yet to hear this have any kind of impact on anything in her life and politics. If I am wrong, please inform me.

  • She had me at Palin on the ticket is”Political bullshit”. This smelled of desperation, and I think most of the people 100 people the McCain asked to be on the ticket – hung up on him. She was not carefully vetted at all. And while the right to lifers, who are a vocal group, they make up less than 10 of voters. But on the up side they all vote *ick* So it’s the real deal to show up and vote, the way you think will help get us out of the recession we are in, a war that is not ever going to be over, and a national health system, that let’s us rise up from second only to Haiti in infant mortality in the western hemisphere. Please think carefully, thoughtfully this is a crucial election, for so many reasons.

  • lmfao.. too funny.. I just hate the fact that now they’re gonna have to apologize publicly about it and shit.. I dont think they shoud have to, they’re just saying what they think, and people should respect that.. Not to mention its fucking hillarious, the fact that they didnt know their mic was on..

  • SJ, we don’t know what’s going on behind closed doors. Maybe Bristol is holding the baby because she wants to start practicing taking care of babies when she has her own? Maybe it just looks “pretty” on TV to have a pregnant young woman cradle a baby in her arms? Who knows? I’m pretty sure that the image they project in public is perfectly calculated by the republican campaign. And, of course, it’s also possible that her husband is not involved with the baby and so by accepting the nomination, Palin is shortchanging her kids. My whole point is that it could be either of those things, not just the latter. I’m pretty sure her kids will be just fine either way.

  • That is the most honest political coverage we’ve gotten out of those republican gas bags in years. Also, nobody is saying that Palin can’t be vice-president because she’s a mother of a special needs child. Some people are saying that being the mother of a special needs child requires more time and energy from you than you would have if you were the vice president of the goddamn united states of america, still the most powerful nation in the world, with a major foreclosure problem, protracted wars on two fronts in the middle east, a failing banking system, and an energy crisis. It’s not misogyny, anymore than pointing out that people have to make choices in their lives all the time and that these choices (because of misogyny) often leave women on the short end of the stick. That’s not something Sarah Palin gives a shit about either — for all her sudden love of Hillary Clinton now (she called her a whiner a few weeks ago, tho) — Palin is not a person with any love or committment to so-called women’s issues: anti-choice, even in the case of rape or incest; cuts to sex education, as well as for housing for new mothers; against equal pay for equal work for women, just like McCain. She’s a religious zealot, who thinks that the pledge of allegiance was written by the founding fathers.

  • Ladies, I said “Whores of Hollywood” NOT teens. Maybe I shouldn’t have said whores. Take a look around and what do you see? A lot of women who are well known, getting knocked-up and not bothering to marry the father of the baby. I know a lot of women who work full-time at the office and at home. Remember being a little girl, and telling your friends that when you grew up you were going to be the first woman president? Why can’t a woman do that job? How many years ago was it that women couldn’t vote? It’s men who first told us we couldn’t vote! She’s totally a tight-ass and I don’t agree with a lot of stuff that she says but, if we tune her out because she has a family aren’t we tuning out the next woman whom we might agree on?