Today's Evil Beet Gossip


Cuban Olympic athlete Angel Matos may be banned from the sport of Tae-Kwon-Do for the rest of his life, after he deliberately kicked a referee in the face after losing a bronze medal fight.

Matos was winning 3-2, with 1:02 left in the second round, when he fell to the mat after being hit by his opponent, Kazakhstan’s Arman Chilmanov.

Matos was sitting there, awaiting medical attention, when he was disqualified for taking too much injury time.

Fighters get one minute, and Matos was disqualified when his time ran out.

Matos angrily questioned the call, pushed a judge, then pushed and kicked referee Chakir Chelbat of Sweden, who will require stitches in his lip. Matos spat on the floor and was escorted out.

The World Taekwondo Federation has recommended he be banned from competing in the sport for life.

HELLS YES! That sort of shit should NOT be tolerated at this level of a sport.

19 CommentsLeave a comment

  • You forgot: “Matos, a top student of the Cobra Kai karate school, proceeded to sweep Daniel Larusso’s legs and punch Mr. Miagi in the head while screaming “NO PAIN SENSEI!” to Sensei John Kreese.”

    Thank goodness he wasn’t one of the air rifle contestants. :-)

  • This kind of behaviour should not be tolerated. Someone should hold this guy down and allow the ref to kick him back.

  • Taekwondo shouldn’t be in the Olympics at all. It’s a very very stupid sport. All they do is bounce around on the spot and then they go in for a kick while shouting like idiots….and then they pull away. Idiotic!

  • I think Trampoline (not only is it childish but you can also break your damn neck), Badminton (just play Tennis instead, Tennis is also 10x more interesting to watch), and Water Polo (too much splashing around to see anything, plus those athletes have to swim like the equivalent of 2 miles in a match) are stupid and ridiculous, but they’re still Olympic Sports.

    The Taekwondo guy should definitely be suspended or even banned for physically attacking that referee. There’s no excuse for that kind of behavior.

  • You know why I can’t watch the Olympics, I can’t stand the attitude of the athletes. They are just too –look at me– no one wins graciously and the behavior of this guy is just typical of just a basic lack or manners or decorum. Everyone is a slut. Is this something to aspire too?

    Americans are the worst of it really. I am tired of my own people embarrassing me. Go to a foreign country, and who are the most ill-mannered people? Americans– in the form of Upper-middle class (classless) students. Winos with money. The women being the worst, swearing out loud on the streets (drunk on their ass), because they think no one understands English or just being loud in general. It is really embarrassing. There has to be some college level charm and manners classes for the classless.

  • i don’t understand how the press determines who they are going to give star status to. why isn’t anyone talking about brian clay. the man who won the freaking decathalon! other than the marathon, is there a more difficult event in the olympics? and yet i haven’t seen or heard any mention of him. bummer.

  • I agree ribbet, he’s arguably one of the best athletes in the world and he gets little love, is his story just not media-worthy enuff? hmmm…

  • you can find ill mannered people everywhere tp vero
    also the scandinavian, so developed and ahead all of us, come here for tourism and leave trash on the floor of the tour bus
    get drunk inside the hotel room
    get the room on fire
    etc etc etc
    it’s a personal matter
    as in this case

  • COOLEST THING THAT HAS HAPPENED IN THESE BORING OLYMPICS…REfs any sport suck and should all be kicked..

  • they should train the refs in Taekwando. woulda been great if the ref blocked/dodged that kick and then layed a beatdown on the competitor.