Today's Evil Beet Gossip

The Paris Hilton Superhero

Is there anything Paris Hilton can’t do? (Don’t answer that. Don’t even try. You have other things that need to get done at some point today.)

This time, she’s becoming a superhero.

“I’ve created a superhero with Stan Lee, which is based on me,” Paris told the magazine San Diego City Beat. “And we’re doing a cartoon right now with MTV.”

Oh, man. She makes it so easy.

Okay, guys. What is Paris Hilton’s superpower?

24 CommentsLeave a comment

  • This picture looks like a wax figure of her from Madame Tussauds. No real comment about the story because she’s so lame.

  • the gravity from her massive vagina pulls people into it to be liquified by her pussy juices. kinda like in “aliens”

  • Damn all of the preceding posters on here who stole all of my vagina jokes! I say she can launch herself 100 ft. in the air with one queef.

  • It is a well known fact that all superheros have one thing that can tear them down, i.e. Krypton. Therefore, her superpower is that she can suck men in with her vacuum powered vag and then sucks all of their brains out for her own use. Her downfall, each time she says “that’s hot” she loses the brain power.

  • Is this going to be like when Pam Anderson had a superhero cartoon, but less funny?

    This picture frightens me.

  • Her powers, she can open beer bottles with her snatch.

    Her weakness, camera flashes make her weak and therefore have to open beer bottles with her a$$hole.

  • Her superpower:

    The amazing ability to stun and hypnotize her opponents with her wonky eye allowing her to attack without interruption.

  • If you look close enough at this picture, you can see that her eyes are actually brown. Those contacts suck.

  • Her superpower, obviously, is sluttiness (and since she’s a *cough* great superhero, it manifests in gazillions ways. Her sidekick could be Crabby (have you ever seen him? He’s on gallery of the absurd’s pics of Paris, he’s lovely).

    I agree with Asta, the wonk eye is her disguise. That chick is so altruistic, she will tolerate a blemish on her face to preserve her identity!(though I disagree with bluciano, according to everything we’ve seen of her, flashes actually fuels her powers, and when they reflect on her glittery stuff, they blind her opponents!)

    Her enemies are meanie judges who put her in jail, Firecrotches who try to steal her turf (they have the exact same powers as her, except that they have rehab instead of jail), and her own self (vote or die, bible reader/good girl phase, etc…)

    Man, that could actually make for a real amazing story, her dueling with her own self… A deeply conflicted airhead like we love ’em ;)