Today's Evil Beet Gossip

Amy Winehouse Keeps Worry Dolls In Her Hair

I highly recommend you all read this interview that Defamer did with Russell Brand, the British actor trying to make a splash on the U.S. scene when he hosts the upcoming VMAs.

They basically give him a pop quiz on pop culture, and there are a lot of funny bits in there, but here’s one of my favorites:

DEFAMER: Here’s another easy one: Amy Winehouse.
RUSSELL: Amy has been on several of my television shows in the United Kingdom. She’s a very talented and beautiful girl and in my house, to this day, I have a Mexican doll that for a while lived in her hair.
DEFAMER: [laughs]
RUSSELL: You know those Mexican worry dolls? Or maybe they’re Colombian. You sort of tell it your worries. She took it out of her hair once, gave it to me, and I treasure that little worry doll.

So, yeah.

Amy Winehouse keeps worry dolls in her beehive.

Russell should try unscrewing the head off that worry doll. There’s like $20K worth of heroin in there. Just FYI.

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