Today's Evil Beet Gossip

Hayden’s Dad Is Back on the Streets

Alan “Skip” Panettiere posted the $50K bail required for him to get out of jail after allegedly beating up his wife last night.

Also — and this is hilarious to me — publications have begun to report that there may have been alcohol involved in the spat.

No shit?

Oh, man, my hopes and dreams are coming true: it’s looking like this whole good girl act Hayden’s got going on is just because she’s too damn young to have developed a drinking or drug problem. I mean, now we know that she’s got some genetic tendency to get completely wasted and do really dumb shit, so, at this point, we sit patiently and wait for her life to spin wildly out of control. Then we blog about it. Hooray!

7 CommentsLeave a comment

  • Beet I am surprised at you for this post! Can you really take so lightly the all the pain involved growing up in a home like that? Can you be so insensitive and calloused?

    Really, this only makes you look bad. Can’t you see that this is a public forum and you are being judged as well? We are looking for the outrageous, but the stupidly childish bratty valley girl will not do. Is there more than one of you writing this thing?

    Read some Dorothy Parker.

  • People, for the 100th time, this is not a serious website. If you want unbiased social commentary, go somewhere else. If you want hilariously snarky quips about dopey celebrity antics, go to D-Listed. J/K!! You’re in the right place!!

  • Actually, there were some pictures of her out partying with Paris Hilton when she was 16 (pre-Heros, she was just the cute little girl from Remember the Titans, so she wasn’t that famous then). I think she just hides it better than some of the others.