Today's Evil Beet Gossip

If You Care About Watchmen …

Some authority-flaunting young journalist snuck a video camera into the Watchmen panel at ComicCon. I guess some conference attendees waited in line for over four hours to get into this panel. And now you can watch it all on YouTube, wait-free. Enjoy!

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  • This is looking really interesting to me, I kind of remember when the comic came out people talked about it, a lot of stuff like Maus came out around that time too, check that out if you are not familiar with it or the story behind it. Fascinating.

    I will defo see this when it comes out. I love how the BatMan story has matured. I sure wouldn’t be bringing kids to see it now.

    Speaking of which, anymore on that hideous pig bird thing that swims in the ocean, totally ruined my beach time this summer, if those things are in the water I am not. ugh.

  • Amy, the upcoming “Watchmen” movie is based on a series of graphic novels about a bunch of superheroes who are flawed, introspective, self-obsessed, lacking in self-esteem, and therefore self-doubting. They apply all of these traits into a mixed quandry of how they deal day to day with being human but also having to carrythe burden of great responsibility of fighting evil and saving lives. Basically, if you take Sex in the City, The Dark Knight, any Wood Allen film, drop in a few sprinkles of Ingmar Bergmann, and ball them up all together, you will have “The Watchmen”

  • Oh yes, I totally can’t wait for Watchmen. 6th March 2009 baby!! Thanks for posting this Beet.