Today's Evil Beet Gossip

The Best Amy Winehouse Has Looked in Years!!!

Unfortunately, it’s wax. Don’t let Amy near it! She might light it on fire and try to smoke it.

Here’s the Amy Winehouse wax figure at Madame Tusseaud’s in the UK, which was unveiled today.

What do we think, kids?

Will the real Amy Winehouse ever look this good again?

17 CommentsLeave a comment

  • I can’t believe I get to be the first to say it: the real Amy NEVER looked quite that good. Yea me!

  • Oh, Beet, how you break my heart.
    When I first saw that picture, I thought, “Wow, she FINALLY got her act together and decided to opt out of slow-motion suicide.”
    And then I saw the caption. *sigh*

    P.S. How long do you thing it’ll take for someone to put a crack pipe in her hand and take their picture with it? I mean, it’s wrong, but I’d totally do it.

  • Wow aside from the “lollipopness” this is one of the best wax statues i’ve ever seen, and like u said, better than the original – how sad…

  • No, Beet, unfortunately, I highly doubt she’ll ever even come close to looking anything like that again.

  • She really did look very good when she first hit the scene. If you go to You Tube and look at some of her very early performances she looked great! Hopefully she can get it together one more time! Love her!

  • HOLY SMOKES! Uh-mazingly lifelike. Amy… please take note! You have this lovely girl hiding inside you!

  • Okay.. seriously what has this chick ever done to be famous EXCEPT smoke crack? I mean, she had one song that was played so much that it was annoying within a week? What did she do to earn a wax statue of herself?

  • if you moved a rat family into the beehive hairdo, chewed the fingernails raw, scratched and cut the limbs, flaked and pitted the face and sprayed the whole thing down with grease, THEN it would look like amy winehouse.

  • Will someone please explain to me the appeal of the wax museum. Who actually pays money to go look at big figurines of famous people? Is it the same folks who buy Thomas Kinkead’s “art”? I just don’t get it.