Today's Evil Beet Gossip


“I love Samantha. She’s like a child to me. They’re great friends and as long as my daughter is happy and healthy, it is what it is.”

Dina Lohan, on Samantha Ronson’s relationship with Lindsay. This sounds about as close to a “yup, they’re dating” admission as we’re gonna get.

9 CommentsLeave a comment

  • omg i wish little ali lohan would pluck her eye brows properly so annoy and she is so up herself. never was a fan of lilo but recently i have started to like her and am happy about her and sam ro

  • and when you include Michael , you have the new cast for the upcoming production of ‘Taboo 15″.

  • I will never see anything this nasty SKANK makes! I could puke seeing this hoe kissing this…what are we calling the confused he/she’s? Oh, right…an abomination…that’s it. They are a FREAK SHOW and eventually no one in their right mind will hire her {EXCEPT FOR SEX}, and no one will spend their hard earned money on this DISASTER!

  • I can’t believe that anyone cannot see that Samantha Ronson is a troll. All the drugs that Lindsay has done must have burned out her senses of sight and touch.

  • If low talent gossip bloggers didn’t exist, would any one care about this low-life family and their goings-on?

    Something is wrong with my computer.. everyone looks like a big headed bad haired dwarf today . Is this what it takes to get the paparazzi to take your picture and sell it to a blogger….? Doesn’t anyone think there is a limit to how many pictures of These people the public can stomach? Remember the axiom, “quality not quantity.”