Today's Evil Beet Gossip

Paris Hilton: Staying Sober for the Attention?

Paris Hilton is on the water wagon.

The heiress has reportedly been foregoing alcohol at any number of Hollywood events recently.

Is she pregnant? Or does she just want people to think she is? Is she annoyed that she’s like the only member of young Hollywood who has yet to pop out a Mini-Me?

This might be an approach they could integrate into Alcoholics Anonymous meetings. You stay sober for your family. You stay sober for your job. You stay sober for your health. And when all that fails, you stay sober to start rumors that you might be pregnant … now that’s fun!

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  • Let’s get some facts straight. First of all, Hilton is not an heiress — something she has known for a long time, even when she claimed to be an heiress.

    Secondly, these stupid stories about her being on the water wagon, and getting punched in the face at a nightlcub were all generated by her PR stooges.

    Wake up, people. She’s just using you.

  • ugh……the airhead`s (no typo) comments are as credible now as the ones about helping the poor in Africa when she was in the gulag !!
    …and we know how ‘that’ turned out!