Today's Evil Beet Gossip


Here’s Madonna’s kid brother, Christopher Ciccone, failing to say anything very interesting on Good Morning America, where he’s promoting his new book, I Sold Out My Sister, By Christoper Ciconne.

The only cool thing about this clip is that it shows some old pics of Madonna from when she was growing up. Those were cool. The rest is dumb.

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  • and he is trying so hard to be articulate. GMA may as well say goodbye to anything Madonna realted forever. Since when did GMA become fucking TMZ.
    Real news? Whateverrrrrrrrrrrr

  • He’s just creepy… The references he makes to his relationship with Madonna as a marriage… *gasp* He even says something about how since he wasn’t having sex with her, Guy Ritchie could come in and sweep her off her feet… *double gasp*

    What is wrong with him?!

  • i dont even understand why they give this leech air time, what he is doing is so low and such a desperatd attempt to make some cash, pathetic!

  • I feel bad for poor Madge. Can you imagine your own brother, who was once your best friend, just selling you out like that? Ass munch.