Today's Evil Beet Gossip

Back On!

Looks like things are definitely back on with Lily Allen and her former flame Ed Simons, from The Chemical Brothers.

The couple were spotted walking together at the Oxegen Festival in Dublin this weekend.

Aw, I’m happy for Lily. I hope this works out for her.

[image via Splash]

19 CommentsLeave a comment

  • His jeans grind against his body in ALL the right places. I’m starting a new religion and calling it “Ed’s Waist & Below”.

  • she is a doll. i used to think “eh” but then saw some segments of her talk show on youtube and she has an awesomely cute personality, still shots don’t really do her justice.

  • mercedes, i’m glad your religion specifies waist and below, because he looks like he has a round little pot belly going on. (at least in this photo) it even looks sorta like a face, (the pecs are the browline) it could say “helloooo. . .” like that seinfeld episode. it could be in league with that disney girl’s demon/chester cheetah knees.
    not that it makes him unattractive, but not worship worthy.
    or maybe i need to get some sleep. . .

  • Love her smile and her confidence. She always has a positive attitude and that is what makes her outstanding. Everytime I signed in the site (Bl ackC en tur y …com) and some men were talking about her and said she is attractive.

  • I think Lilly Allen is gorgeous and I love her music, which inspired me to dump a shitty boyfriend, but, that outfit is doing her no justice. Shes wearing mom jeans

  • since when does walking together equal being back on? and not just simply back on, but “definitely back on”?!

  • LMAO @ Joan.. I can so see the HELLOOOOO face. Hahaaa..
    I still think there is something hot about him though. And some type of resemblance to Vince Vaughn? I’m probably crazy.

  • I’m happy that she’s happy again, and that at the moment she doesn’t at least appear to care what others think of her sartorial choices and her weight (which is healthy, NOT overweight). Anyhoo I really hope she doesn’t go down the skinny route again.

  • Ed SHOULD do better! Who wants to be with a blatant hypocrite and mediocre talent that hates on everyone who has what she covets? I’m referencing her statement in one interview that young girls shouldn’t be getting pregnant, like about a month before she announced she was. And also her very scathing comments about other British singers who have more talent than she ever could (Winehouse, and I believe she made some remarks about Leona). At any rate, can’t stand her and Ed can definitely score a hotter piece

  • wow…so ANYONE can rock the skinny jeans look now-a-days?..
    It would be interesting to hear what Stacy London and Clinton Kelley would have to say about her in the 360.

  • Lily Allen was willing to give up being in the public spotlight, to raise a child, and get married to Ed Simons and settle down so as not to reflect a negative i,mage on younger people. she is very far from a hypocrite. Instead they both suffered a loss (by miscarriage) and 2 weeks later this dick head Ed Simons that you think so highly of dumped her(because I said so!) Her battle with British public figures such as Victoria Beckham or Cheryl (tweedy) Cole are blown out of proportion.Lily Allen actually has a blog title on her web page titled I LOVE LEONA!