Today's Evil Beet Gossip

Fattening Up the Olsens

OK! magazine brings us this very important story, which shakes to the core our implicit trust in Starbucks baristas everywhere. Apparently an NYC barista felt the Olsen twins were way to thin, so, when they ordered their usual Grande nonfat lattes, he would secretly replace the skim milk with full-fat. The nerve! Says a close friend of the Olsens: “It’s also my worst nightmare — that and getting a huge diet fountain soda that is mistakenly regular Coke — but I can def(initely) tas...

Jessica Alba’s Wedding: Her “Traditional” Side Kicked In

It turns out we weren't the only ones surprised by Jessica Alba's wedding -- even her close friends didn't know she was going to tie the knot with Cash Warren. "Jessica and Cash's ceremony surprised even good friends," says a source close to Jess. "She [used to feel] it would be okay to wait until after the baby was born to get married. But her traditional side must have really kicked in." I'm telling you guys, she was inspired by Ashlee's shotgun wedding!!!...

Casting Call!

Hey, guess what's never going to work in America? HUMAN TETRIS!! But they're casting for it!
The TV phenomenon sweeping the world is making its way to America!! This project is the most downloaded Japanese game ever on the net. Now FremantleMedia (producers of American Idol, America’s Got Talent, and The Price Is Right) along with a major American television network are looking for trios (friends, co-workers, spouses, etc.) to take part in one of the most outrageous, funny, and challenging game shows ever seen on television. $$$$$ 50,000 in Cash & Prizes $$$$ In order to apply you must assemble a team of 3 people. They can be anyone in your life (co-workers, friends, family, etc). We are looking for men and women 18 years old and up of all shapes and sizes. The more VISUALLY DIVERSE the better. All teams must be either ALL Female OR ALL Male! To submit online please send 1 current photograph of you and your teammates, a brief explanation of how you all know each other, along with your contact information
Jesus Lord, I can't believe I'm saying this, but Americans are way too smart for this! It'll never work. (Please, America, don't let this work. Prove me right here. I mean, I'm all about Tetris, but seriously ... let it remain a video game. You want $50K? GO TO COLLEGE!) And, in case anyone forgot how amazing the original Tetris was, here's the theme song, played on soda bottles, because Americans can achieve anything they set their minds to. /> Hey, guess what's never going to work in America? HUMAN TETRIS!! But they're casting for it! The TV phenomenon sweeping the world is making its way to America!! This project is the most downloaded Japanese game ever on the net. Now FremantleMedia (producers of American Idol, America’s Got Talent, and The Price Is Right) along with a major American television network are looking for trios (friends, co-workers, spouses, etc.) to take part in one of the most outrageous, funny, and challenging game show...

Ali Lohan on David Letterman!

You can take the girl out of Long Island, but you can't take the Long Island out of the girl! Ali Lohan made her appearance on David Letterman on Tuesday night. I thought I'd have to wait until Wednesday morning to bring this to you, but the folks at RedLasso (who I hate considerably less now that their Flash code doesn't crash my website) got it to my inbox tonight. Thanks, guys! I'm done talking shit about you for at least a week now! I think when this show airs we should all play a drinking game. It goes like this: ...

Congrats to Kristi Yamaguchi!

After totally blowing the Olympics year after year, Kristi Yamaguchi finally took home the gold: on Dancing with the Stars. The figure skater was named the winner of the hit TV show on Tuesday night. Shit, dude, I don't understand how she even qualified for this show. She's a freakin' figure skater. That's like being a professional dancer, except ten times harder! Of course she won! What, Adam Corolla was gonna beat her with his triple-axel Britney Spears joke? I think not. Congrat...

Who Should Madelyn Gosselin Date?

You guys were very interested in my post on Jon & Kate Plus Eight. And I have to say I read every single comment, and was SO excited to have other people weigh in on this show. I love you guys so much! You always make my day. In addition to the comments, I got lots of emails, and a lot of you mentioned that Madelyn Gosselin is a holy terror. Honestly, she reminds me a lot of myself at the age of seven (my mother will confirm this). Oh, who am I kidding, she reminds me a lot of myself now. She'...

Memo to Hayden Panettiere: Less Dolphins, More Grey Goose

Honestly, Hayden, if you have to be obsessed with marine life, at least make sure it's related to liquor. This is the freakin' last time I am going to cover you and your damn whales, Hayden. After this, you'd better come up with something better to get publicity. Like get pregnant or drive drunk or something. This shit is boring. On Wednesday, Hayden Panettiere will put two whale-related items up for bids on eBay to support I think the name says it all. Save the ...
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