Last May, Naomi Campbell spouted off to W magazine about how she was truly embracing sobriety, how she’d surrendered and had found inner peace.
Last November, we caught her posed at a dinner with a glass of wine.
And yesterday, she was arrested at Heathrow Airport for spitting on a police officer after she learned one of her bags was missing.
I think Naomi Campbell’s off the wagon. And probably headed to rehab soon, if not to jail.
She may want to look into some hair plugs or something, because that thinning hairline is not a good look for her. And, yes, I can say mean things about her because she is a FUCKING BITCH…… Not that I’m bitter or anything….
Jesus woman!!…she’s getting way to old for this…
Two year olds have tantrums, but they grow out of it…..Naomi is stunted emotionally.