Today's Evil Beet Gossip

Check Out My Bling, Yo!

Katherine Heigl Wedding Ring Pictures, Photos

Katherine Heigl Wedding Ring Up Close Pictures, Photos

Katherine Heigl shows the paps her brand new wedding ring as she and her mom go furniture shopping on Robertson.

Who the hell really goes furniture shopping on Robertson?

Katie loooooooooves the attention!

Also, for the first time in, well, ever, we have a full set of photos of Katie without a cigarette or pack of cigs in one of them. Maybe she really is taking her resolution to quit smoking seriously. Good luck with that!

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  • I saw a commercial last night for 27 dresses and was so excited when I saw that James Marsden (love him) was in it. That was UNTIL I realized “Miss I need nail polish remover asap” was also involved. I guess I won’t be going to see it after all. Sorry James but your “whiny chipped nailed cigarette sucking” co-star sucked the life out of this film for me.

  • It’s why I haven’t seen Knocked Up. I loved 40 Year Old Virgin and SuperBad, etc but I just hate her so much. She’s also why I stopped watching Grey’s Anatomy. And really, if you are going to sport a ring like that, do your nails and if you can’t do that, don’t wear nailpolish.

    I bet she’s weird looking in person without make-up, like her face is really, really huge.

  • That’s a beautiful ring, but shouldn’t she be on her honeymoon somewhere? I swear she is so annoying.

  • I know that she can be a tad annoying at times, but I still like her. I’m happy she got married instead of out getting high or getting drunk and being stupid like so many celebrities do these days. And if you can see the shine on her face it looks like she might be sweating so maybe she really is giving up smoking which is great! And we all have bad nails from time to time, give the girl a break.

  • Shocking to see someone with such a lovely expensive ring not able to have her nails done up properly!!! Certainly, she let herself down.. would have been best to have had NO nail polish!