She might be young… but man is she ugly. You can still see her acne scars.
Hahaha, what a moron face and not even pretty
Note to Rogue – that beyoch in the picture link you posted is a skank as well.
WTF is wrong with her left eye? And if you know your ass is going to a red carpet, why would you not have your roots done? Estupida.
She kind of looks like Tori Spelling…eewwwwwwwwwwwwww
It looks like she was dropped on her head at birth and now her face is all squished up.
I’m 37 and he is way too old for ME. I don’t even think I’m old enough to have seen any of his movies. Does this poor girl have any idea who he IS???
I am 35 and married to someone that is 56. Not a HUGE difference. But let me tell you, there is NO substitute for older, wiser and more experienced. I would never go back to anyone even close to my age.
You youngsters don’t get it. The youthful vagina–there’s simply no substitute for it. Up-pointing breasts, tight inner thighs, the back of the neck that doesn’t resemble a pit bull’s…all these things only come from the under-25’s. Adult men do not want to fuck their mommy! They want to fuck a virtual facsimile of their daughter. Okay, “stepdaughter”–fine! Why is this so hard for chicks over 25 to understand?
I don’t want to fuck my grandpa either. A young man is hard as steel – there’s no substitute for it. His balls don’t hang to his knees, no spare tire and lots of gorgeous hair.
See how stupid I sound?
What was that line from Big Daddy? Something about “wrinkley skin and old balls”. Lol. Sorry, that just popped into my head when I saw this. Anyway, to each his own. If she’s into it(or his money??) and they’re happy, why not?
Who cares about age difference, but 40 years?….come on… what can they possible have in common?…. my friends and I have come up with an acceptable range….10 years (either way, he or she older) and that’s it….beyond that and I think there is something else going on…..i.e. – she’s a golddigger, he’s a pedophile… she has a daddy complex, he is intimidated by strong, confident mature woman..etc,etc..
bahahaha pretty awesome how she’s dating a guy 40 years her senior and
a) all she gets is a forever 21 dress?!?!?! (i have this dress, but i however do not wake up next to an ancient mummy every morning)
b) ewww her bra is showing… buy a decent strapless bra you ho!
The idea that a man, no matter how old, shouldn’t think about, much less actually engage in, sex with a young woman is hilarious. More power to James!
It’s common knowledge and scientific fact that men prefer looks and women do not.
I am 35 and married to someone that is 56. Not a HUGE difference. But let me tell you, there is NO substitute for older, wiser and more experienced. I would never go back to anyone even close to my age.
–>Let’s see if you say that when you are 56 and your hubby is dead. Will you go for 80-year-olds then?
He’s a right wing nutjob to boot . Screw him…and not in the good way.
I think age is no problem. If they love each other deeply. I hope my partner older than me.
“I am 35 and married to someone that is 56. Not a HUGE difference. But let me tell you, there is NO substitute for older, wiser and more experienced. I would never go back to anyone even close to my age.”
You’re an idiot. When you get to be 50 and realized you threw away your chance at fucking hot young men to marry some one pump chump geezer, you will be sorry.
“It’s common knowledge and scientific fact that men prefer looks and women do not.”
You’re also an idiot. Brad Pitt owes his entire career to the fact that women prefer hot men.
James Woods is one word-CREEPY! Nothing makes me turn the channel faster than seeing his face.
Maxie says “He’s a right wing nutjob to boot . Screw him…and not in the good way.”
Right wing nutjob? And Cathrine Zeta is married to what?
Right wing nutjob? And Cathrine Zeta is married to what?
I’m married to a 32 year old and am getting ready to trade her in. shes getting that fat around her neck although she’s still quite skinny. i’m 46 and ready for another 23 year old hotty. and they like money!stability and did I mention experience!..hahaha
oh, and you young guys ,yeah, you had your 3 jack off’s before noon and an occasional fuck with your sister/mom/cousin but you will have to develop tools,pardon the pun,to compensate for your receding hair line bulging belly,job @ the factory!. Got your plans boys.? “A womans body is like a finely tuned piano and it takes an experienced hand to play the correct song”…some old broad from along time ago…I wanted to nail her
Way to go, James! By why? Is this charity work? Lost a bet? At 21 she hardly knows which end of the dick is up. Oh well, maybe by the time I hit 60 I’ll be patient enough to give lessons, too.
Boy, look at all the haters. Keep rationalizing it with “they can’t have anything in common” like you bitches are so fucking smart. I can assure you worn out cunts that after tasting that 25 years younger pussy myself, that there is NOTHING sweeter.
are you sh****** me ? he is Living the dream – hope he is buttering her bagel on BOTH sides …
The golden rule is, take your age, divide by 2, then add 8 years.
That’s the youngest person you are allowed to date without being a freak.
Why would he date a 21 year old girl? Because he can. James Woods is an inspiration for middle age men everywhere.
She’s 21, thats 4 years over the Legal bagging limit. Yea her face is fugly, but damn the body. All you women bitching are just jealous of her, and you men are jealous of him, so STFU.
You are all reading way too much into this. I’m sure Mr. Woods justs wants to be held!
We should really be wondering how SHE bagged HIM, sweet Christ she looks like a pre-operative transvestite/cheap drag queen. Bleagh. Even the best body in the world couldn’t make up for a face like that unless your willing to fed your dick to her through a hole in a paper bag, make that TWO paper bags. Sorry nobody’s jealous but you “echo”.
are you serious dude shes still gotta suck those low dragging balls without gagging and that means getting paid for sure come on now.
She looks like a MacTruck hit her. Tori Spelling is hot compared to her.
Women are like depreciating investments. Overtime they lose their value i.e. looks. They get fat arms, necks, and asses. Only the best of the breed age well, inset any woman who runs everyday. In my view James is a jackass. He could do much better than this chick but he is simply dating her because her ass is firm. So for now she has value but that will be short lived because she has no class.
can’t decide which one looks worse!
As for me. I’ll eat “worn out old cunts” any day of the week. They have it all over those self-absorbed young twats, hands down.
Wow, I cannot believe the amount of stupidity on this board. Yes, we are all entitled to our opinions. It’s amazing what people can gather as their opinion of someone they don’t even know.
Oh right, I was going to put in my thought.
“Boy, look at all the haters. Keep rationalizing it with “they can’t have anything in common†like you bitches are so fucking smart. I can assure you worn out cunts that after tasting that 25 years younger pussy myself, that there is NOTHING sweeter.”
Really are you actually typing this? It’s no wonder you’ll contract a STD or develope some type of addiction to something that will make your face look like shit.
“Women are like depreciating investments….”
“We should really be wondering how SHE bagged HIM, sweet Christ she looks like a pre-operative transvestite/cheap drag queen. Bleagh.”
She really isn’t ugly. I’ve been to some porn sites that have pics of chicks who look hella ugly and guys are commenting away on how hot she is.
I’m still trying to decide what “Stiffasaboard” said that honestly made no sense.
And to the wrinkley balls comment. In general balls tend to have wrinkles and I doubt they are to his knees.
See, this is why we have real life that happens. I now remember why I don’t normally post on boards. I just had to put my “opinion.”
One last thing. It also doesn’t matter the age. Most likely all of us here are dog ugly with no life ambition and poor as hell. James Woods is a rich motherfucker with things he has accomplished and I have to say an awesome actor. I think most are just on a self righteous kick vomiting holier than thou comments.
Thanks for sharing
I’d prefer reading in my native language, because my knowledge of your languange is no so well. But it was interesting! Look for some my links:
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I’d prefer reading in my native language, because my knowledge of your languange is no so well.
eeew and even more EWWWW @ Rogue your a complete skank love giv it up ur not sexy ur a fuckin dog stop TRYIN to look good and accept you were cursed at birth geez
Im sorry but that is gross. I would say more power to James if he bagged a pretty chick. I wont date a guy my age only older guys.. but never too much over the limit. Biggest difference was 7 years. That was years ago though.. I was 13 atm and he was 20 and I find that sickening now that I look back on it.. Now im gonna get married soon and we only have a 2 year difference I say 5 years should be the limit unless your 40+ then its ok to stretch an extra 5.
so what! age doesn’t matter! he’s JAMES WOODS–he can do WHAT EVER he wants! rather–WHOMEVER!
and i find him very attractive, hmp.
fuck them
Would she still “love” him if he was the garbage man? hehe
HOT News! James Woods is developing an adult relationship with a 42 yr old. He met her when she interviewed him about seeing the 911 highjackers. He’s been seen in East Texas and Shreveport gambling casinos. She lives at her 4th generation plantation in the Pineywoods of East Texas. According to the families surrounding her large, heavily wooded estate “Susan” is very, very private. Her best friend is Valerie Pflame.
the Ashley Madison’ bimbo is history ;
the 42 years old TEXAS lady is …history ;
we met JAMES WOODS in NEW YORK, February 2009,
in the Carlyle hotel, with his young former tv series SHARK co-star Danielle PANABAKER – see pix in ‘’ / February 2009, James Woods/Panabaker in New York…
CARLA, Beverly Hills
june 2009
ah ! elderly men dating young girlssss, let’s see how men get old, starting up at the age of 45 years : bad breath, heavy red faces, heavy fat neck, no hair, pending fat belly, large fat ass, getting boring, very very boring….young girls dating, sleeping with old men = bad name, bad reputation, lot of money, sometimes short-term fame, as happened to Madison (18) when starting to date Woods, 59, in 2005 = she got dumped, no splendid acting carreer, a nose job paid by Woods, short-term ‘poor fame’. no use to date old men…
indeed ‘toddler’ former girlfriend (Madison) of J. Woods does not look ‘high class’, not pretty anyway – heavy touch of vulgarity for a girl supposed to be 19, turning 22 or 23 ? never mind, who is next… Danielle Panabaker, so cute and very pretty…
TIFFANY, Beverly Hills
the ASHLEY MADISON girl appears on several WEB SITES of DATING ASHLEYMADISON AGENCY as ‘,’ = looks as she is working for the cheating dating Agency. YECK,
TOM, Los Angeles
Actress Ashley Madison has no link with Dating AshleyMadison Agency – the mean Agency manage fake fraudulous commercials misusing and stealing her IDENTITY in the worst abusive way in order to promote prostitution.
Actor WOODS dates Ashley Madison since 2 or 3 years ON and OFF…split, renewed relationship, split, reunite again, dumped Madison, back. Great outstanding actor WOODS used to tricky way of life;
Do you guys know if Hefner threw this chick out of the mansion for that sex tape? Does anyone even know who Karissa Shannon is? I know that she has some kind of living arrangement in the Playboy mansion, but other than that, I’ve never heard of her. Is anyone even remotely surprised that a girl who gets naked for a living has a sex tape? How many of you would make a sex tape if the money was right? Think about it. 1 Million? 2 Million? 5 million? How much would it take? I don’t want anyone seeing my boobies, and I’m a really conservative girl, but damn, in the end, money does talk right?
You made some good points there. I did a search on the topic and some related sub topics and I have found a lot of corresponding views.
Hello to all, I can’t understand how to add your site in my rss reader. Help me please. Your blog looks good, have a good one.
Great synopsis of commenting and how to very well written and all that link love you just poured out, great post, if this was a forum you would have a sticky on this.
Hello Great Job. I think you made some great points in your points and I am goign to do some follow up research topic related and learn more.
Make your life time more simple get the home loans and everything you require.
There is obviously a lot to know about his, I think you made some good points. Anyhow keep up the good work.
This is a good ideas to discuss about certain thing with site.
Hello Great Job. I think you made some great points in your points and I am goign to do some follow up research topic related and learn more.
remember when I first started thinking this was more confusing than it should be :)
If this comment doesnt appear after reading all those instructions Im sending a carrier pigeon next
Giving a blog talk to beginner bloggers in the not-too-distant future, I’ll be pointing people in the direction of your efforts. Nicely put together dude.
you mad freak! That’s brilliant!
Can’t wait to get this! I can feel a sick day coming so I can stay home from work and mess around playing this.
We suffer over at ours from loads of traffic but very few commenters apart from our own group. Maybe this will help them? Love the blog.
Most old fucks would jump on a chance to screw a young thing even if it means cheating on their wife. The bottom head rules over the one on our shoulders. The Greek gods are known to do this quite frequently. Dirty ass old men will get it someway if they have money and power…
And he was around before Disneyland. Yuck
She might be young… but man is she ugly. You can still see her acne scars.
Hahaha, what a moron face and not even pretty
Note to Rogue – that beyoch in the picture link you posted is a skank as well.
WTF is wrong with her left eye? And if you know your ass is going to a red carpet, why would you not have your roots done? Estupida.
She kind of looks like Tori Spelling…eewwwwwwwwwwwwww
It looks like she was dropped on her head at birth and now her face is all squished up.
I’m 37 and he is way too old for ME. I don’t even think I’m old enough to have seen any of his movies. Does this poor girl have any idea who he IS???
I am 35 and married to someone that is 56. Not a HUGE difference. But let me tell you, there is NO substitute for older, wiser and more experienced. I would never go back to anyone even close to my age.
You youngsters don’t get it. The youthful vagina–there’s simply no substitute for it. Up-pointing breasts, tight inner thighs, the back of the neck that doesn’t resemble a pit bull’s…all these things only come from the under-25’s. Adult men do not want to fuck their mommy! They want to fuck a virtual facsimile of their daughter. Okay, “stepdaughter”–fine! Why is this so hard for chicks over 25 to understand?
I don’t want to fuck my grandpa either. A young man is hard as steel – there’s no substitute for it. His balls don’t hang to his knees, no spare tire and lots of gorgeous hair.
See how stupid I sound?
What was that line from Big Daddy? Something about “wrinkley skin and old balls”. Lol. Sorry, that just popped into my head when I saw this. Anyway, to each his own. If she’s into it(or his money??) and they’re happy, why not?
Who cares about age difference, but 40 years?….come on… what can they possible have in common?…. my friends and I have come up with an acceptable range….10 years (either way, he or she older) and that’s it….beyond that and I think there is something else going on…..i.e. – she’s a golddigger, he’s a pedophile… she has a daddy complex, he is intimidated by strong, confident mature woman..etc,etc..
bahahaha pretty awesome how she’s dating a guy 40 years her senior and
a) all she gets is a forever 21 dress?!?!?! (i have this dress, but i however do not wake up next to an ancient mummy every morning)
b) ewww her bra is showing… buy a decent strapless bra you ho!
The idea that a man, no matter how old, shouldn’t think about, much less actually engage in, sex with a young woman is hilarious. More power to James!
It’s common knowledge and scientific fact that men prefer looks and women do not.
I am 35 and married to someone that is 56. Not a HUGE difference. But let me tell you, there is NO substitute for older, wiser and more experienced. I would never go back to anyone even close to my age.
–>Let’s see if you say that when you are 56 and your hubby is dead. Will you go for 80-year-olds then?
He’s a right wing nutjob to boot . Screw him…and not in the good way.
I think age is no problem. If they love each other deeply. I hope my partner older than me.
“I am 35 and married to someone that is 56. Not a HUGE difference. But let me tell you, there is NO substitute for older, wiser and more experienced. I would never go back to anyone even close to my age.”
You’re an idiot. When you get to be 50 and realized you threw away your chance at fucking hot young men to marry some one pump chump geezer, you will be sorry.
“It’s common knowledge and scientific fact that men prefer looks and women do not.”
You’re also an idiot. Brad Pitt owes his entire career to the fact that women prefer hot men.
James Woods is one word-CREEPY! Nothing makes me turn the channel faster than seeing his face.
Maxie says “He’s a right wing nutjob to boot . Screw him…and not in the good way.”
Right wing nutjob? And Cathrine Zeta is married to what?
Right wing nutjob? And Cathrine Zeta is married to what?
I’m married to a 32 year old and am getting ready to trade her in. shes getting that fat around her neck although she’s still quite skinny. i’m 46 and ready for another 23 year old hotty. and they like money!stability and did I mention experience!..hahaha
oh, and you young guys ,yeah, you had your 3 jack off’s before noon and an occasional fuck with your sister/mom/cousin but you will have to develop tools,pardon the pun,to compensate for your receding hair line bulging belly,job @ the factory!. Got your plans boys.? “A womans body is like a finely tuned piano and it takes an experienced hand to play the correct song”…some old broad from along time ago…I wanted to nail her
Way to go, James! By why? Is this charity work? Lost a bet? At 21 she hardly knows which end of the dick is up. Oh well, maybe by the time I hit 60 I’ll be patient enough to give lessons, too.
Boy, look at all the haters. Keep rationalizing it with “they can’t have anything in common” like you bitches are so fucking smart. I can assure you worn out cunts that after tasting that 25 years younger pussy myself, that there is NOTHING sweeter.
are you sh****** me ? he is Living the dream – hope he is buttering her bagel on BOTH sides …
The golden rule is, take your age, divide by 2, then add 8 years.
That’s the youngest person you are allowed to date without being a freak.
Why would he date a 21 year old girl? Because he can. James Woods is an inspiration for middle age men everywhere.
She’s 21, thats 4 years over the Legal bagging limit. Yea her face is fugly, but damn the body. All you women bitching are just jealous of her, and you men are jealous of him, so STFU.
You are all reading way too much into this. I’m sure Mr. Woods justs wants to be held!
We should really be wondering how SHE bagged HIM, sweet Christ she looks like a pre-operative transvestite/cheap drag queen. Bleagh. Even the best body in the world couldn’t make up for a face like that unless your willing to fed your dick to her through a hole in a paper bag, make that TWO paper bags. Sorry nobody’s jealous but you “echo”.
are you serious dude shes still gotta suck those low dragging balls without gagging and that means getting paid for sure come on now.
She looks like a MacTruck hit her. Tori Spelling is hot compared to her.
Women are like depreciating investments. Overtime they lose their value i.e. looks. They get fat arms, necks, and asses. Only the best of the breed age well, inset any woman who runs everyday. In my view James is a jackass. He could do much better than this chick but he is simply dating her because her ass is firm. So for now she has value but that will be short lived because she has no class.
can’t decide which one looks worse!
As for me. I’ll eat “worn out old cunts” any day of the week. They have it all over those self-absorbed young twats, hands down.
Wow, I cannot believe the amount of stupidity on this board. Yes, we are all entitled to our opinions. It’s amazing what people can gather as their opinion of someone they don’t even know.
Oh right, I was going to put in my thought.
“Boy, look at all the haters. Keep rationalizing it with “they can’t have anything in common†like you bitches are so fucking smart. I can assure you worn out cunts that after tasting that 25 years younger pussy myself, that there is NOTHING sweeter.”
Really are you actually typing this? It’s no wonder you’ll contract a STD or develope some type of addiction to something that will make your face look like shit.
“Women are like depreciating investments….”
“We should really be wondering how SHE bagged HIM, sweet Christ she looks like a pre-operative transvestite/cheap drag queen. Bleagh.”
She really isn’t ugly. I’ve been to some porn sites that have pics of chicks who look hella ugly and guys are commenting away on how hot she is.
I’m still trying to decide what “Stiffasaboard” said that honestly made no sense.
And to the wrinkley balls comment. In general balls tend to have wrinkles and I doubt they are to his knees.
See, this is why we have real life that happens. I now remember why I don’t normally post on boards. I just had to put my “opinion.”
One last thing. It also doesn’t matter the age. Most likely all of us here are dog ugly with no life ambition and poor as hell. James Woods is a rich motherfucker with things he has accomplished and I have to say an awesome actor. I think most are just on a self righteous kick vomiting holier than thou comments.
Thanks for sharing
I’d prefer reading in my native language, because my knowledge of your languange is no so well. But it was interesting! Look for some my links:
Interesting… you got my email please let me know when you add a new article to come back! I will try to subscribe to your RSS, definetely worth it.
buy hoodia gordonii at 3 differe options to choose from. Pure Hoodia, Hoodia Gordonii Plus and Liquid Hoodia.
I’d prefer reading in my native language, because my knowledge of your languange is no so well.
eeew and even more EWWWW @ Rogue your a complete skank love giv it up ur not sexy ur a fuckin dog stop TRYIN to look good and accept you were cursed at birth geez
Im sorry but that is gross. I would say more power to James if he bagged a pretty chick. I wont date a guy my age only older guys.. but never too much over the limit. Biggest difference was 7 years. That was years ago though.. I was 13 atm and he was 20 and I find that sickening now that I look back on it.. Now im gonna get married soon and we only have a 2 year difference I say 5 years should be the limit unless your 40+ then its ok to stretch an extra 5.
so what! age doesn’t matter! he’s JAMES WOODS–he can do WHAT EVER he wants! rather–WHOMEVER!
and i find him very attractive, hmp.
fuck them
Would she still “love” him if he was the garbage man? hehe
HOT News! James Woods is developing an adult relationship with a 42 yr old. He met her when she interviewed him about seeing the 911 highjackers. He’s been seen in East Texas and Shreveport gambling casinos. She lives at her 4th generation plantation in the Pineywoods of East Texas. According to the families surrounding her large, heavily wooded estate “Susan” is very, very private. Her best friend is Valerie Pflame.
the Ashley Madison’ bimbo is history ;
the 42 years old TEXAS lady is …history ;
we met JAMES WOODS in NEW YORK, February 2009,
in the Carlyle hotel, with his young former tv series SHARK co-star Danielle PANABAKER – see pix in ‘’ / February 2009, James Woods/Panabaker in New York…
CARLA, Beverly Hills
june 2009
ah ! elderly men dating young girlssss, let’s see how men get old, starting up at the age of 45 years : bad breath, heavy red faces, heavy fat neck, no hair, pending fat belly, large fat ass, getting boring, very very boring….young girls dating, sleeping with old men = bad name, bad reputation, lot of money, sometimes short-term fame, as happened to Madison (18) when starting to date Woods, 59, in 2005 = she got dumped, no splendid acting carreer, a nose job paid by Woods, short-term ‘poor fame’. no use to date old men…
indeed ‘toddler’ former girlfriend (Madison) of J. Woods does not look ‘high class’, not pretty anyway – heavy touch of vulgarity for a girl supposed to be 19, turning 22 or 23 ? never mind, who is next… Danielle Panabaker, so cute and very pretty…
TIFFANY, Beverly Hills
the ASHLEY MADISON girl appears on several WEB SITES of DATING ASHLEYMADISON AGENCY as ‘,’ = looks as she is working for the cheating dating Agency. YECK,
TOM, Los Angeles
Actress Ashley Madison has no link with Dating AshleyMadison Agency – the mean Agency manage fake fraudulous commercials misusing and stealing her IDENTITY in the worst abusive way in order to promote prostitution.
Actor WOODS dates Ashley Madison since 2 or 3 years ON and OFF…split, renewed relationship, split, reunite again, dumped Madison, back. Great outstanding actor WOODS used to tricky way of life;
Do you guys know if Hefner threw this chick out of the mansion for that sex tape? Does anyone even know who Karissa Shannon is? I know that she has some kind of living arrangement in the Playboy mansion, but other than that, I’ve never heard of her. Is anyone even remotely surprised that a girl who gets naked for a living has a sex tape? How many of you would make a sex tape if the money was right? Think about it. 1 Million? 2 Million? 5 million? How much would it take? I don’t want anyone seeing my boobies, and I’m a really conservative girl, but damn, in the end, money does talk right?
You made some good points there. I did a search on the topic and some related sub topics and I have found a lot of corresponding views.
Hello to all, I can’t understand how to add your site in my rss reader. Help me please. Your blog looks good, have a good one.
Great synopsis of commenting and how to very well written and all that link love you just poured out, great post, if this was a forum you would have a sticky on this.
Hello Great Job. I think you made some great points in your points and I am goign to do some follow up research topic related and learn more.
Make your life time more simple get the home loans and everything you require.
There is obviously a lot to know about his, I think you made some good points. Anyhow keep up the good work.
This is a good ideas to discuss about certain thing with site.
Hello Great Job. I think you made some great points in your points and I am goign to do some follow up research topic related and learn more.
remember when I first started thinking this was more confusing than it should be :)
If this comment doesnt appear after reading all those instructions Im sending a carrier pigeon next
Giving a blog talk to beginner bloggers in the not-too-distant future, I’ll be pointing people in the direction of your efforts. Nicely put together dude.
you mad freak! That’s brilliant!
Can’t wait to get this! I can feel a sick day coming so I can stay home from work and mess around playing this.
We suffer over at ours from loads of traffic but very few commenters apart from our own group. Maybe this will help them? Love the blog.
Most old fucks would jump on a chance to screw a young thing even if it means cheating on their wife. The bottom head rules over the one on our shoulders. The Greek gods are known to do this quite frequently. Dirty ass old men will get it someway if they have money and power…