Today's Evil Beet Gossip

Amy Winehouse Finally Got Her Punk Ass Arrested

Amy Winehouse Arrested in Norway for Marijuana Use

From the AP:

British singer-songwriter Amy Winehouse was arrested in Norway for marijuana possession and held overnight, a police official said Friday.

Winehouse, her husband Blake Fielder-Civil and a third person were released at around 7:00 a.m. Friday after paying $715 in fines, Prosecutor Lars Morten Lothe said.

The trio were arrested shortly after 6 p.m. at a hotel in Bergen in southwestern Norway, where Winehouse is on a European tour, after a tip to police.

“They were found with seven grams (about 1/4-ounce)of marijuana,” Lothe said. “She’s paid the fine, so this thing is over for us now.”

Damn, I wanna smoke weed in Norway.

In the U.S., it’s a little more complicated, isn’t it? I’m not a weed person, and I’ve never been arrested for it, so I’m not really sure. Anyone around here been caught with a quarter-ounce of weed in another country? Did you get off this easy?

17 CommentsLeave a comment

  • It’s not a lot of weed, European countries won’t freak too much. Canada is lax too. The US is still uptight on things (not to mention it has the death penalty still).

  • I do believe the weed is being of assistance in helping her gain the 5 lbs she has in the last month. The dear girl has been munching out lately.
    She’s a beautiful and talented artist, she just prefers the ugly look as a shock treatment to others. Hey, once you’ve seen her you never forget her – Unlike many of the look-a-likes out there.
    I can’t believe that a substance as peaceful as weed is still illegal.
    Someone is making big money by it’s being that way.

  • Holland is the best country!We smoked a spliff in an outdoor cafe in Amsterdam as the police rode by. Unless you’re intending to distribute (caught with a large amount) they don’t bother you. Oh yeah, we were listening to Bob Marley at the time. I still tear up just thing about it…

  • They only found the weed ’cause they had finished all the OTHER drugs. It was probably just a gift from a grateful drug dealer. Real talk.

  • They should have checked under her beehive hairdo. Bet that’s where she keeps the black tar heroin.

  • I know all about getting arrested for 1/4 oz. of ganj in the US of A…the commonwealth of Pennsylvania to be more specific, which of course is worse than most states. Try 1 preliminary. hearing, a plea hearing and a sentencing hearing (thats 3 days you have to take off work and go sit in a courtroom till they get around to calling your name)1000 dollar fine/court cost, 1 year probation, mandatory drug/alcohol classes once a week for 3 months.

    Its totally ridiculous, imho….alcohol does far more damage to people physically, not to mention the nasty side effect of causing 1000s of people every year to get in their cars and drive drunk, killing themselves and scores of innocent people. Weed does none of this. Alcohol shuts down your body and kills you if you drink too much of it; weed makes you eat 3 plates of food at the late-nite breakfast buffet then pass out and sleep like a rock till morning (WOW TERRIBLE, EVIL DRUG!).

    Anyway, Amy should stick to the herb and away from the speedballs. She can smoke all the pot she wants and it wont hurt her. Not so with coke, meth, and dope all mixed together. So smoke, smoke smoke


  • Amy whinehouse is so odd looking, disturbing, gross, ugly, weird, and sickly looking that just seeing her face makes me want to throw up.

  • I am a fan of Amy’s music….I love her style, very cool. I would like to see her get help for her addictions I must say…I have seen some of her performances and she doesn’t seem like she knows whats going on sometimes, it’s sad really but I have faith in the fact that when she hits bottom she ll resurface stronger then ever. Haul ass Amy!

  • I think Amy is Amazing and its kinda stupid that in some places smoking cannibis is fine but the still have such a disgusting thing as death as a legal punishment but no i have nothing against people who smoke it i myself never have but its much better than a lot of other things Amy could be smoking and i hate that people are so mean about Amy give the girl a brake i mean if she wasnt famous we wouldnt care so i guess its lucky she has a AMAZING voice but i do like Amy oh and brian punk ass? you sound like a fifty year old who cant distinguish jazz and punk/rock
    and carly-cocoa-whatever Amy is one of the lucky ones in looks, shes not disgusting but did you know somthing i bet she can spell something after she reads about it
    (if you dont know what i mean theres a diffrence to what you do whine and her name wine sorry bout the harshness but i am a defensive person and i adore Amy)