Today's Evil Beet Gossip

Man, I Go to a Movie for Two Hours and Britney Spears Has to Get Fingerprinted

Britney Spears To Be Booked and Fingerprinted for Hit and Run

This is truly a 24-hour job.

I went to a screening for Elizabeth: The Golden Age this afternoon (which, by the way, co-stars Abbie Cornish, the Australian temptress with whom Ryan Phillippe cheated on Reese Witherspoon, and it pains me to know that movie critic after movie critic will review this film without even mentioning that very salient fact). Anyway, the film was incredible. I loved the first one, and this one was every bit as good. The dresses and hair were amazing. I’ve decided I’m going to be Queen Elizabeth for Halloween.

But that’s not the point.

The point is that, on Tuesday, a judge ordered Britney Spears to be booked for her August hit and run. You know, when she hit a parked car and the paparazzi got the whole thing on tape?

Los Angeles Superior Court Commissioner Rebecca Omens said the 25-year-old pop star must be fingerprinted and photographed before Oct. 25, when she is required to appear in court. Spears was charged last month with hit and run and driving without a valid license after she allegedly smashed her car into another in a parking lot in August.

Spears was not present for Tuesday’s arraignment. She was represented by attorney Michael Flanagan, who said his client “must go to any L.A. police station for fingerprints and mug shots.”