Today's Evil Beet Gossip

Britney Spears Formally Charged with Being a Trainwreck

Britney Spears Charged with Hit and Run

Okay, okay. She was formally charged with being a car-wreck, but still.

Remember back in early August, when Britney ran into a parked car in the Valley, and then walked away without leaving so much as a note? Remember how the paparazzi got it all on tape?

Well, here in America, we call that a hit and run, and it’s illegal. And apparently Britney didn’t have a valid CA license when she did it, either. So now Ms. Spears has been charged with one count of hit and run causing property damage and one count of driving without a valid California license. Both charges are misdemeanors, each carrying a maximum of 6 months in jail.

The victim filed a police report about the incident three days after it occurred — after learning about it from an Australian reporter who showed up at her door.

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