Today's Evil Beet Gossip

Britney Spears’ VMA Performance Was SHOCKING!!!






What the fuck happened, Brit??? It was like you didn’t even care up there!!! What happened to all the crazy Criss Angel shit? What happened to your big comeback????

You didn’t even try, Britney.

Fuck you.

17 CommentsLeave a comment

  • OMG…It was fricking insane…She looked too high or drunk to give a crap. I swear she was going to trip over and fall and her cheap k-mart weave was going to fly off and attack me.

  • feecckkk i missed it!! my roommates are watching a movie. grrr.

    how long till this shit is up on youtube!? haha

  • There were so many moments where it seemed like she forgot the lyrics and choreography. Gosh it was bad, I was such a big Brittany fan, but she is over over over over over.

  • She looked like she was afraid to move to fast, lest her hair fall off. And also, I haven’t seen that bad of lip-syncing since any other britney spears performance.

  • Aaaaahhhh…Ms. Parker-you beat me to it. I rolled when I saw the camera panning the confused, trying not to laugh faces in the crowd. I thought after all these years she really had that lip-synch thing down. Guess I thought wrong.

  • Wait…..does this mean she’s been hanging with Angel for, um, other reasons. Uh, I think I just threw up in my mouth a little bit.

  • I almost want to cry. I have been pulling for this girl to get her shit together for the past year. I don’t think I can anymore. This was her last chance (in my opinion) for her to make a decent comeback and she fucked it all up. She looked nervous at first, then it just seemed like she didn’t give a shit. She wasn’t even trying and that’s what pisses me off. Fuck you, Britney.

  • MAN that beginning close-up of her stringy weave was PRICELESS! When I first saw it, I was expecting an SNL-style parody of Britney, but NO her hair is really that terrible.

  • Everywhere I go online, I keep reading the same thing…Brit’s performance was bad, and intriguingly, the assertion that she was high. Maybe she was high. I haven’t seen it yet, but I think it would be amazing to watch, in a “I can’t believe it was that bad” kind of way. So what do you all think, is she really done with?

  • What the crap was all that Criss Angel hype about for the last weeks? I can’t believe I was looking forward to this! The opening weave close-up? First jaw dropper – you couldn’t wash your fake hair?! And her outfit looked like she was fitted for it 15 lbs ago. I’m not sure, but weren’t there parts where her lips weren’t moving at all? No energy, no emotion, nothing. For some dumbass reason I expected her to actually sing (she can do that, right?), dance really well, and “freak” me out with some smoking magic illusions. We just sat there going “ohmygod,” “what the crap?!” and “what the hell was Criss Angel necessary for in this?!” I loved that the audience looked like they were thinking the same thing. I hope she gets clobbered for this complete waste of everyone’s time and attention. Sooooo done caring about her.

  • All this speculation on whether she was high is pointless. Let me break something to you here folks: half the people in the music industry are high all day long. And none of them suck that bad.

    Britney deserved an award, alright.

  • I have never been a Britney Spears fan. Since we share a first name, I hated being associated with her in middle and high school. But now…after all of the drama and damage she has inflicted upon herself and her career, I was hoping she might at least be passable. Oh well. It’s not like a bad pop performance is the end of all mankind…but I agree, it would be nice if it was the end to modern MTV.