Today's Evil Beet Gossip

I’d Still Totally Have Sex with Adam Duritz

Counting Crows Lead Singer, Adam Duritz, Takes Off His Shirt

The perpetually dreadlocked Counting Crows frontman took his shirt off in dangerous proximity to a Splash News camera man.

I know, I know. He’s a little flabby. He’s a little pale. He’s getting really old. But I refuse to give up on my dream!

One day, I will have sex with Adam Duritz. And then we’ll get married and have lots of babies and he’ll write songs about me and it will be fabulous.

Counting Crows’ new album — the first once since 2002’s Hard Candy — will be released November 6 of this year. The album’s title is Saturday Nights, Sunday Mornings, and I for one am super excited.

Photo credit: Aaron St. Clair

Adam Duritz from Counting Crows Shirtless adam_duritz_shirt1.jpg

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