Today's Evil Beet Gossip

Seriously, Guys, Britney Is Just Fine and Not Going Batshit Crazy At All


Just posted on her website:

The reason for this letter is to let everyone know that their prayers have truly helped me. I am so blessed that you care enough about me to be concerned and will continue to live in this brighter state with all of you by my side during this trying time. We are all lights of the world and we all need to continuously inspire others and look to the higher power. You are all in my prayers. Godspeed.

Love, Britney

This reminds me of back in the day when Lindsay Lohan would write those drunken emails with AA undertones. It’s so funny, in that tragic sort of way.

Honestly, whoever is the webmaster of needs to change Britney’s password and not let her know the new one. Who the hell let her post this?

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  • How many pairs of torn fishnet stockings does this broad own? And Why, oh why won’t someone please break into her house take them all and burn them.