Today's Evil Beet Gossip

ProjRun is Totally Willing to Lower Their Standards


Remember how no one showed up to the first round of Project Runway auditions in LA? The production company figures, I suppose, that is was just a bad weekend for designers? Maybe it rained the whole weekend? (It didn’t.) At any rate, they’re giving it another go: TODAY. So get your butt downtown! This showed up on Bravo’s website:

Due to the overwhelming response an additional
half-day has been added!
Friday, April 13
12pm to 6pm
453 South Spring Street, 7th Floor
Los Angeles, CA 90013 (Between 4th and 5th Street)

Hee hee. “Overwhelming response.” Right. What this means, really, is that they’re are looking for people who are attractive and will fight with each other on camera. If you can sew, total bonus, dude. Head on out there, kids!

P.S. The photo? Don’t ask.