Channel 4 in the UK is has a new show called “Too Big To Walk?” It is a rip off of NBC’s “The Biggest Loser.” Essentially they are taking a group of morbidly obese people and taking them on a 500 mile trek from England to Edinburgh.
I really hope that nobody really is “Too Big to Walk” because that is essentially the whole point of the show. I wonder what the catchphrase is….are they going to kick off people when they can’t keep walking?
“You are…Too Big to Walk.” Depressing eh. I can’t even imagine how angry these folks are going to be when they are sore and hungry and having to trek around the countryside.
I really hope they bring this show to the US…I love “The Biggest Loser.” I’m a big fan of shows that emphasize losing weight by exercise. I also love it when contestants get randomly hot.
Check out the show’s site here.
i found a funny video: Very big girl doing some exercise on a treadmill. Keep going girl.
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