Today's Evil Beet Gossip

Watch This: Melissa McCarthy Used to Rock Some Serious Kate Gosselin Hair

In this clip, Melissa McCarthy visits Anderson Cooper‘s talk show Anderson, whereupon Anderson busts out some of McCarthy’s high school photos.

And you are not going to believe this: “Missy” McCarthy was the senior voted Most Punk.

McCarthy explains that she had been totally preppy, in that very 1980s way—you know, cheerleading, student council, tennis—until the fateful year she returned from summer vacation with blue Kate Gosselin hair. She also wore turtleneck sweaters safety-pinned together as pants (“My mom loved it! And so did the nuns”).

I filched this video from the Hairpin, and I really recommend taking a look at the lively comments section there—especially if you wore JNCO jeans in the 1990s.

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  • i still remember my first pair of jincos. my boy daniel had a pair of 33″ bells though. i dont think it got bigger bottomed than that. i was proud to be around him lol. i had the pants that barley hit my belly button lol and a halter top. long hair which i used these color wands to turn lime green streaks and i wore like, pigtails but with some hair left down (bc i have killer hair). plus of course glitter glitter glitter everywhere!!! i learned early on not to wear to much makeup (but i did rock the brown lipstick when i could). sweating doesn’t help make up. and the water proof kind killed my skin. i mean, the toxins i was putting into my body were enough i didnt want to add to the problem, ya know?