Today's Evil Beet Gossip

Love It or Leave It: Pippa Middleton’s Fun, Geometric Dress

photo of pippa middleton fashion week pictures photos pics

Are those geometric shapes, math fans? Because in case you couldn’t tell – and, of course, if I’m wrong – math is definitely not my forte. No sir, never has been. Geometry, actually, was around the time that my math skills began failing me, and that was my sophomore year of high school. Embarrassing, right? I mean, I couldn’t even tell which angle to get the measurements from on a circle.

I suppose on the whole, it doesn’t really matter. Who cares* about the specifics of shapes when you’ve got an almost-Pippa Middleton-upskirt, am I right?

*I actually care. I care quite a lot. The dress is really pretty. I’m not so sure about the fabric, as it looks like it’d permanently wrinkle if you breathed on it wrong, but hey. It’s got some good points. Like the fact that a pretty, regular girl is wearing it. That counts for, like, a little bit of something in my book, you know?

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