Today's Evil Beet Gossip

Julia Louis-Dreyfus Thinks Hollywood Sucks, Too

Ms. Louis-Dreyfus had a star unveiled on the Walk of Fame yesterday, but a snafu of epic proportions worked its way into the plans.

Organizers of the event had misspelled the Seinfeld star’s name and had manufactured a star featuring the overt error. The star read “Julia Luis Dreyfus.” However, the issue was caught prior to the unveiling of Louis-Dreyfus’ star and quick Hollywood magic was utilized to create a star with the correct spelling of the thespian’s name. Louis-Dreyfus laughed and chalked the entire ordeal up to standard Hollywood practice:

“The misspelling was so perfectly apt, a great metaphor for showbusiness. Right when you think you’ve made a name for yourself, you get knocked down. It’s an ideal metaphor for how this business works.”

Guess no matter how far you get, you’re always forgettable and insignificant in one way or another, but congratulations on your star anyway, lady — you’re fiercely talented!

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