Today's Evil Beet Gossip

Don’t Worry, Suzanne Somers Is Getting Down

suzanne somers grove extra

Suzanne Somers has a great sex life, in case you were wondering. Were you? If you were, please holla.I want to e-meet the person who was concerned about Suzanne Somers’ sex life. WELL, SHE’D DOING OKAY!! She’s 66, and she’s getting it and getting down and etc. From People:

He’s on hormones and I’m on hormones. I’m going to be so sorry I said that. What is it about men at four in the morning? And then I’m really awake around eight or so. We have busy mornings.

THERE YOU GO! Just something to think about before that Step By Step reunion happens, which we all know WILL HAPPEN.

Okay, just in case, show of hands: who would watch a Step by Step reunion?

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  • I’m so sick of hearing people talk about their sex lives whether it be celebrities or normal people! They’re not the first person to have sex nor are they the last! Just STFU already! It’s too much information! I don’t want to hear about a 66 year old person having sex! My neighbor who just turned 68 talks about giving her husband (same age) a blow job! Unfortunately I am a visual person and now I have to gouge my eyes out!!