Today's Evil Beet Gossip

Oh, Here’s A Photo of Finnick for You Guys

A photo of Sam Claflin

This is it, friends. This is what Finnick looks like, because this is a photo from the set of Catching Fire. This is Sam Claflin all dolled up in hair and makeup, ready to woo us all with his dashing good looks, his undeniable charm, and his sweet trident moves. Except not really.

Not to be mean (oh god, this is going to sound so mean), but is this a joke? Sam Claflin is adorable and everything, and I know that he’s making a goofy face in this picture, but this just isn’t what I pictured at all. I mean, look at him:

A photo of Sam Clafin

On the plus side, you can see a bit of Finnick’s costume (the swimmy pants!), but on the other hand, we could have seen Garrett Hedlund as Finnick, but he just wasn’t feeling it:

“They did [approach me]. I was working on this film [‘On the Road’] at that time. We shot the whole film in 23 days and I was really immersed in it. I couldn’t get around [to reading the ‘Hunger Games’ novels]. Everybody around me is flipping out about the books, and I didn’t really have the time to sit down lately to read any book, not just ‘Hunger Games.’ But I’ve got a couple [projects] on my plate that I’m looking forward to reading now.”

I don’t want Sam Claflin to feel like I don’t appreciate him, because I do, or like I’m not rooting for him, because I really, really am, but look at Garrett Hedlund:

A photo of Garrett Hedlund

Oh, what could have been ….

6 CommentsLeave a comment

  • Absolute worst casting in any film series EVER.
    Whoever cast Peeta and this guy should be FIRED.
    Even thinking of the Katniss and Peeta characters kissing gives me this grossed out feeling inside and the want to call Child Protection Services.
    And this guy? What about FINland did they not understand?
    What happened to the blonde hair and dazzling blue eyes.
    I mean, WTF?!?!?

    • Finnick has bronze hair and green eyes, though, Kimber. However, I do think Peeta is good because they don’t have any chemistry in the books. That’s the whole thing — she isn’t attracted to him at first, so you can’t show what isn’t there. I am hoping he’ll get better, but I was disappointed with the lack of depth Peeta showed on the films compared to Peeta on the books.

  • You don’t know how much did my heart ache the first time I read that Garett Hedlund quote. I almost legit cried. It felt like I had been slapped. And then I saw these photos and seriously, I still don’t see this guy as Finnick. I hope he can convince me on film because right now all I see is just… no. Nononononononononono. Nope. No. I hope it’s like when Jennifer Lawrence was cast and people were angry, and then she wowed us. So the stakes are high. ON THE PLUS SIDE — you seen MAGS?? She’s my favourite and I ugly sob every time I think of what happened to her. Ugghh my little precious beautiful Mags.

  • Sorry – Hedlund always looks so dirty to me, like he just rolled around in an ashtray or something. At least I have no idea who Claflin is so I can watch w/o judgment.

    I can’t imagine, though, that there is not a single guy in the world who is not better looking than either of these guys and with some talent!