Today's Evil Beet Gossip

Sean Penn, Ben Stiller Receive Permanent Ban From Russia

Russia’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs has issued a list of 25 Americans that are permanently banned from entering Russia.  Not as though any are likely to want to be there.

Two of those on the list (that mostly includes Senators and other political affiliates) are Ben Stiller and Sean Penn.

How did these two middle aged movie men attract the ire of the communist country? By speaking out against the Russian invasion of Ukraine.

The statement is said to be in response to “the ever-expanding personal sanctions by the Biden Administration against Russian citizens.”

Penn, 61, traveled to Ukraine to work on an upcoming documentary about political tensions, chronicling the invasion and war launched by Russian President Vladimir Putin.

Penn told Hollywood Authentic magazine in April that he even thought about fighting on behalf of Ukraine.

“If you’ve been in Ukraine [fighting] has to cross your mind,” he said at the time. “And you kind of think what century is this? Because I was at the gas station in Brentwood the other day and I’m now thinking about taking up arms against Russia? What the f— is going on?”

Stiller, meanwhile, met with Zelenskyy as part of his role as a Goodwill Ambassador for the United Nations.

“It’s one thing to see this destruction on TV or on social networks. Another thing is to see it all with your own eyes. That’s a lot more shocking,” Stiller said.