Today's Evil Beet Gossip

Michael Jackson’s Son Prince Jackson Graduates High School With Distinction

prince jackson

Michael Jackson‘s oldest child, Prince Jackson, has kept a pretty low profile in the years following his father’s death. He’s been trying to maintain a somewhat normal childhood, considering, enjoying his $8 million a year allowance and going to high school. When it comes to the latter, he’s remain dedicated, and last week he graduated and earned his high school diploma WITH DISTINCTION. Oh, snap!

From TMZ:

Michael Jackson’s oldest son got his diploma from the exclusive Buckley School in the San Fernando Valley.

La Toya, Katherine, Paris and other family members cheered Prince on. When Prince’s name was announced the fam stood up, screamed and whistled. He flashed a big smile as he grabbed his diploma.

I think it’s great that these kids have not only stayed in school, but that Prince has managed to really excel at it, despite all the upheaval in his life. Whoever’s been around encouraging him to achieve things like this is a really positive influence, so hopefully Paris and Blanket will experience the same.

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