Today's Evil Beet Gossip

Kim Kardashian pays assistant $100,000 to Photoshop her pics

kim kardashian

I feel like this is a day of completely obvious news, but whatever, here we are. Kim Kardashian has really upped her Photoshop game lately – no more warped backgrounds! This isn’t dumb luck, it’s business. Kim has apparently hired a professional Photoshop assistant that she pays $100k to make her look… well, the way she looks.

A source tells exclusively, “Kim used to ask a friend to fix up photos, but it would take hours. She finally decided to hire a pro who can be on call 24/7.”

And having your pictures edited does not come cheap! Kim “reportedly pays the pro $100,000 a year.” And the expert “has to keep a phone on all night, in case she’s traveling.”

But what about the original shots? In order to make sure the original photos never see the light of day, “She had the expert sign a nondisclosure agreement promising to destroy all the originals.”

I mean, I guess we can’t really shade Kim – after all, she’s never been a fan of “natural beauty” and doesn’t really get off on the whole “self-empowerment via acceptance of the way you actually look” thing, so of course she Photoshops the shit out of her selfies. Of course she finds it worthwhile to spend $100,000 on vanity instead of giving it to charities or any number of causes that are less narcissistic. Of course.

What do you think, guys? Worth the investment?

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4 CommentsLeave a comment

  • This picture is a good example of why it really shouldn’t matter if she photoshops her pics or not. All I see is a short, fat-assed troll. If you miss this, all the photoshopping in the world won’t clear that shit masquerading as brains in your head.

  • WHY would anyone take a pic of themselves in a PUBLIC RESTROOM??? do they not understand how WEIRD that is??? not to speak of self absorbed! Do they really think the public wants to see them after they have taken a pis/shit??