Today's Evil Beet Gossip

Kylie Jenner’s got her lips back

kylie jenner

After being caught without Instagram filters and overdrawn lips during a routine traffic stop in Los Angeles this week, Kylie Jenner knew she needed to come back fiercer than ever. She took to the social networking site to post the above photo, which… is just all wrong, in every way.

I’m trying to figure out what the inspiration is for this, what it all means, but I just can’t. Also, how is her hair green one day and then brown and whatever the next? I mean, I guess there’s extensions and the like, but I’m confused. Also also, I legit want to know if the Kardashian/Jenner family have a personal Photoshopper that works exclusively for the family to fix up their social media pics before they go live. We know they use that shit.

Either way, can’t say I’m impressed with this.


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  • Is Kendall or was it this one that just got a contract with Estee Lauder? I’m confused. But wait, don’t answer that, I seriously feel creepy enough already just looking at the pics

  • You can def see where her real upper lip is. Don’t get me wrong, I am 100% on the Kylie plastic surgery bandwagon, but I also think she over draws her lips like she claims.

    Can you blame the girl for altering her looks at such a young age? Think about Kendall, who is her bff and scoring super fancy modeling gigs, all over the tabloids for non scandalous/good stories, beautiful, positive media/fan attention, etc. Compound that with the rest of the Kardash sisters and you have a recipe for Kylie being nutso. She was most likely coerced into changing her looks, it’s all about the brand and what you can bring to the table. If you can’t bing anything (Rob) things go sour fast.

    Another thought about Rob. A few years ago he was the hot thing, he had successful projects, positive media attention, looked good, fit in with what PMK was selling. But, he wised up and wasn’t buying PMK’s shit anymore, he did what he wanted to do, and since he couldn’t serve the family he basically disappeared. Yes, Rob has problems that need sorting out, but it seems that the family has abandoned him and his projects. If Kylie wants to remain relevant, popular, and desirable she needs to work to do it. Which is what she has been doing, Kylie has been in the top 10 stories for the past couple of months thanks to lip injection speculation.