Today's Evil Beet Gossip

Emma Watson Looks Unbelievable for Marie Claire

photo of emma watson marie claire 2013 pictures
My oh my, how beautiful Emma Watson is looking these days, huh? That hair of hers sure is growing in nicely, and that’s about the most g-rated thing I can say about Emma Watson right now, because her beauty is simply captivating … Among—ahem—other things.

Here’s Emma, to Marie Claire, on how grounded she is:

“Friends and family come first and work comes second, that’s just how I live my life.”

And Emma on her schooling:

“I try to step away from the entertainment industry when I go and study – that gives me more time. I did my third year in Oxford, so that I could be around my family. Ultimately they’re the priority. I don’t put anything above them. I think having time to step away and study really, really helps.”

And last, Emma on acting itself:

“It is a strange thing that I do and it can feel quite unnerving. It’s good to remember that it’s a bit mad.”

So yes, I know. All in all, a pretty boring interview. But these pictures. Hermione Granger Emma Watson was always super cute and pert and pretty, but when, dear God, did she get so hot?

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  • So which comes first, friends or family? That would make work come third. Typical fog breather attitude. No wonder they lost an empire and London is now an international shit hole.