Today's Evil Beet Gossip

Quotables: The Kennedy Family is, Like, So Happy That Taylor Swift is Joining Them

photo of taylor swift dating a kennedy pictures

“She’s awesome. She’s a great friend of all of ours. [As for Taylor becoming a permanent addition to the Kennedy family someday] we should be so lucky.”

This is an actual quote from Rory Kennedy, who is an aunt of Taylor Swift’s new boyfriend, Conor Kennedy. BAM.

OK, am I the only one totally about to barf here? Could there seriously be more verbal flogging going around the Kennedy family and out of Taylor Swift’s mouth here? Because ugh. First, the kid’s eighteen years old. He’s probably still only interested in boobs and vagina and how often he can touch both of them in a month’s time and not even considering what it would be like to marry a bitch and watch her succumb to some kind of mysterious fate like suicides, plane crashes, or car accidents.

One step at a time, guys, OK?

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