Today's Evil Beet Gossip

Love It or Leave It: Jessica Chastain’s Tonys Dress

A photo of Jessica Chastain

This is what Jessica Chastain wore to last night’s Tony Awards. I think she was even being serious.

And just because I’m sure many of you are thinking “wow, that bodice looks seriously awful,” let me show you a close up, because you have no idea:

A photo of Jessica Chastain

So yeah. It’s not cute, it’s not flattering, and she doesn’t even look like she likes it herself. It’s just a bad situation all around.

But just so I don’t leave you with pictures of a hideous dress and nothing more, let’s talk about Neil Patrick Harris for a minute. Over the weekend, there were some comments questioning why Neil Patrick Harris is so lovable. Well, he hosted the Tonys last night, and during the three hour broadcast, he gave us quite a few reasons to love him.

For instance, I love Neil Patrick Harris because of this:

And also because of this:

And, of course, because of this:

He also welcomed the audience to “the 66th annual Tony Awards, or, as we like to call it, Fifty Shades of Gay.” If none of those things do it for you, then I’m sorry, but NPH is probably not the celebrity demigod for you.

5 CommentsLeave a comment

  • I think I can read the words directly behind her. She’s like an opaque shower screen.

  • Ewwww! She looks like she had some kind of wierd skin disease. This is just about the most unflattering dress I’ve seen in years. It makes her look ten pounds heavier and dumpy. I can’t believe she actually likes that mess enough to wear it.

  • This is cheap, vegas style street walker, what is the pr rep and wardrobe
    trying to promote her as. Terrible.