Today's Evil Beet Gossip

Love It or Leave It: Having Sex Really Agrees With Lea Michele

photo of lea michele 2012 white dress pictures
Is it me, or has Lea Michele gotten a whole lot hotter since she went public with Cory Monteith? I mean, of course she’s still just as annoying and bubbly and smug as ever (especially since she’s “twinsies” with Kim Kardashian now), and her latest appearance on David Letterman’s show is no exception, but she’s looking pretty damned good here regardless. The cleavage is pretty hot.

I think we see more and more of Lea’s skin as the days go by, and if that’s the case, maybe we’ll see some of the mystery tattoos that she’s always going on about. Example, she talked about her “big Italian family” and how they all get tattoos together. Which is not at all weird:

“I come from a very big Italian family, and tattoos are very popular. We’ll be like, ‘Let’s all get tattoos.’ Then we get super sentimental, and then the next day I wake up with, like, another butterfly on my foot. And I’m like, it seemed more important in the moment. … Some people go hunting for eggs. We go get tattoos. All my secret hidden spots are done. My real estate is over.”

And then I have no idea what she’s talking about halfway through that. Except for, you know, tattoos. And how she’s probably got a tattooed-up gitch that’s specially reserved for her boyfriends. Or, I’m sorry—just Cory. Because they’re probably going to be together for just EVER. OR ELSE.

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  • She does look pretty hot in this picture. I’m glad she is finally getting better style. Whoever she hired as her new stylist is doing a GREAT job! She is finally blossoming. On a side note, I do think she was just so desperate for a boyfriend (you know those girls, the one’s that would do anything for a man) now that she has one, she is going to go above and beyond to look hot for him. Good for her! (I guess) But she shouldn’t do this whole makeover for a guy or anyone else. Hopefully she isn’t. (Yeah, right!)

  • I think it’s funny that all it takes for a chick to be “hot” is for her to show off her tits. Nevermind her whack face or anything, she’s got tits!

    • It’s not like we can see her brain. And it’s not enough to just show your tits, you have to have that confidence/attitude/look that goes with it.

      • So by that logic, all hookers are hot because they have the attitude/confidence to show off their tits. That’s just crazy talk.

  • Is she dumb or she pretends to be? Even a 5 year old would have expressed himself better…