Today's Evil Beet Gossip

Adele Flipped Off Everyone at The Brit Awards

A photo of Adele

The Brit Awards, if you don’t know, are like the UK’s version of the Grammys. Remember the Grammys? Everyone absolutely loved Adele, she was the undisputed champion of the entire night. If she felt so inclined to do so, I’m sure she could have spoken for hours and hours, and everyone would have loved it, and no one would have cut her off, not in a million years.

Back in her homeland, though, that clearly wasn’t the case. No, in her homeland, she gets cut off after she says about two and a half sentences in her acceptance speech for winning the award for the album of the year:

Yeah, Adele flipped everyone off. What of it? Given the situation, I think it was pretty understandable. Like, really, you cut off Adele, the girl behind the album of the year, so Blur could play? Honestly?

But we all know that lots of people are big ol’ Sensitive Sallys when it comes to flipping the bird, so Adele went ahead and clarified something that I thought was pretty obvious:

“I flung the middle finger. That was for the suits at the Brit Awards, not my fans,” she said, according to theBBC. “I’m sorry if I offended anyone but the suits offended me.”

Because I’m sure everyone thought Adele’s “f*ck you” was meant for her fans. Right.

Were you guys embarrassed for Adele? Because I really, really was. You can tell that she’s so happy and honored and lovely and all the things we know her to be, and then, boom. “You’re the most popular singer in the world right now, you’ve broken so many records, everyone adores you, you just won the biggest award of the whole night, but listen, we gotta bring Blur on, stat.” In what world does that make sense?

But hey, have you ever seen anyone make an offensive gesture so lovable? I sure haven’t, and it only makes me want Adele to be my BFF even more. Anybody else?

8 CommentsLeave a comment

  • I don’t actually know who Blur is, but I thought it was kind of rude of them to cut her off like that! She barely had any time to say anything, and she sounded so happy and proud to be up there.


      I saw the sentence “I don’t actually know who Blur is” in the sidebar and barged the hell on in. Jade! Here! You can thank me later.

      Also if you have ever enjoyed the fictional band Gorillaz, you were secretly enjoying Blur. I know! It’s crazy!

  • I hope no one in the US has a problem with this. I’d rather see a true artist flip the bird after being disrespected in her home country than see a woman abuser like Chris Brown be “forgiven” and perform 2 years after the incident.