Today's Evil Beet Gossip

Lindsay Already Messed Up Her Community Service

A photo of Lindsay Lohan

Sometimes I think that Lindsay Lohan really has to put in a ton of effort to be this much of a mess. This is one of those times.

After she screwed up her first community service gig, she got reassigned to the morgue. Then her probation got revoked and it’s actually looking like she might be headed for jail again. So what does Lindsay do on her very first day at the morgue?

Why, she shows up 40 minutes late and gets sent home, of course! Classic Lindsay!

She claimed that she didn’t know where the entrance to the morgue was and that the paparazzi caused confusion. The coroner’s office claimed that the excuse was bullshit. Either way, Lindsay put down her meth long enough to Tweet an apology:

“With all of the stress and pressure from yesterday and today, I’ve never been so happy to go to therapy!!!  Also, I’m sorry for the confusion that I may of (sic) caused to those at the Coroner’s office.  Won’t happen again, now I know where to go!”

And here’s a bonus bit of news: the L.A. county sheriff wants everybody to know that he definitely has enough room for Lindsay in the slammer. Huzzah!

Do you think this could finally be the time that Lindsay receives an appropriate punishment, or is it to soon to get our hopes up?

2 CommentsLeave a comment

  • With each photo she is looking worse and worse. Hot. Mess.
    What a train wreck her life is. How sad. She needs to go away now.