Today's Evil Beet Gossip

Quotables: Courtney Love Saved Chris Rock’s Life

“I was sitting with Courtney Love, and she might’ve saved me from a fight. I’m not going to say ass-whipping . . . But you never know—he’s hanging out with Guy Ritchie. Those guys go at it. She kind of barked, or was growling, and that was it.”

Chris Rock explaining how, after making Jude Law mad at the 2005 Oscars, Courtney Love came to his defense and prevented a brawl from going down.

Man, I love it when real behind-the-scenes dirt comes out years after it happened. Can you imagine a better image than Courtney Love standing between Chris Rock and Jude Law, barking and growling? Obviously you can because it’s the best mental image ever. I may get that scene tattooed on my shoulder blades.

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