Today's Evil Beet Gossip

Gay Actors Should Only Stay in The Closet If They Suck at Acting

You may remember that actor Richard Chamberlain recently made some comments about gay actors, saying that it would only help their chances of getting casted in leading roles if they stayed in the closet. It was a rude and ignorant statement that was clearly driven by the actor’s irrational fear of becoming irrelevant because of his sexuality. Now Max Mutchnick, a co-creator of Will & Grace, has made a statement in the most recent issue of Entertainment Weekly saying that pretty much everything Chamberlain said is true… if you can’t act for shit.

Mutchnick said:

“I don’t think the audience is as homophobic as the media would have us believe. Neither is Hollywood. I’ve never denied an actor a job because he was gay, but I have denied actors jobs because they suck.”

“There is no blacklist that forbids gay actors from playing straight roles. Convince us you’re in love with her and we’ll hire you. And I promise we won’t care who you’re cuddling up with when you’re off camera.”


Shaming gay actors into thinking they already have the odds stacked against them is straight-up wrong, not to mention a complete disservice to everyone on the planet. If good movies are getting made, you wont see anyone complaining about where the actors stick their dicks in their downtime.

I mean, did anyone, even for a second, ever question Doogie’s love for Wanda? I DON’T THINK SO.

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  • well that’s because we didn’t think of a kid in terms of their sexuality a mere 20 years ago. And he wasn’t out. Like, I don’t think he even KNEW.

    And I do think there’s some point to the hard to believe gay playing straight thing. I think people who shit on that newsweek writer and Richard here are sorta missing the point. They’re just observing the current psychology of the public.
    Think about it. We all believe everyone is a little gay, and that’s why it’s believable, when they act in a romantically-gay situation, we just believe they’re “liberating” themselves. But how often do we believe gay people are a little straight? Especially if they’re particularly flamboyant?

  • there are 2 sides to every story. look at chely wright. since she came out as a lesbian, all of her fellow country singers have abandoned her (except mary chapin carpenter), she gets daily hate mail and death threats, and her album sales have dropped more than 50%. so, if you are an entertainer that wants to stay relevant, think about what you do and will fans accept you. if the gay community is bullying you to come out (like many celebs were forced to do), then shame on them and make them pay the salary you dont get. look at all the actors that came before in the 60’s-80’s who were gay, never spoke of it, and were successful. if you are a celebrity who feels the need to come out, think of the consequences it will have on you and your career, and ask yourself if it’s worth it.

    it is sad that this question has to even be asked, cuz your sexuality shouldnt be an issue as long as you are good at what you do. but america is and will always be more homophobic than they want you to believe.

  • Why is it the public thinks they have to know everything about actors, singers, musicians or anyone else in the public eye? I couldn’t care less. Their individual sexual preferences should be irrelevant to their God-given talent.

  • I agree with Hairfree: no one should care about artists’ sexual preferences. Who cares?
    Unfortunately we live in a world that just loves talking about who’s bedding who.
    In a perfect world everyone should be able to be uncloseted….hello, we do not live in a perfect world: if you come out of the closet they will never give you a role that’s “non gay”.
    One of my favorite actors is a very talented young man and I do believe he’s gay or at least bi. I would never want him to “go out of the closet”, as I am 100% sure his brilliant career would be ruined. Probably the best way is to keep mum about your personal life, even if people will always chat and gossip.
    Sad, but true….