Today's Evil Beet Gossip

Lindsay Lohan Wants a Restraining Order Against the Paparazzi

Lindsay Lohan has asked the judge for a restraining order against the paparazzi, claiming that she’s currently barred from driving as a result of them following her every where she goes.

Lindsay was given the thumbs up to drive by both the court and the DMV, but the folks looking after her at Betty Ford were the ones who decided to hang on to her keys for the time being. They thought that the dangers of Lindsay being out on the open road were too much for her to handle in her fragile state.

From TMZ:

We’re told Lindsay emailed her lawyer this weekend — with pictures attached showing the paps following her — asking the attorney to go to court for the restraining order.

Sources say no decision has been reached on whether a restraining order is a viable option.

Honestly, I don’t hate this idea. So much of Lindsay’s life is made more difficult by the camera crews that are constantly chasing after her. It’s not even about the physical ramifications, either. Most of the stories about Lindsay that are out there are driven by candid photographs of her (trust me, I would know…) so if they took away that element, then not much would be left.

But if a restraining order against the paps was possible, don’t you think just about everyone would have tried that by now?

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