Today's Evil Beet Gossip

Wisdom Does Not Come With Age

And if an eighteen year-old girl is getting Botox to keep “fresh,” it’s a safe bet to say that though her eighteen years of life experience has probably brought her tumultuous amounts of insight, this is where the buck stops.

Adorable and talented Filipino singer Charice Pempengco has got the world by the balls: she’s been on Oprah, her singing talents have been showcased worldwide, and now she’s in an exclusive spot on Glee. But clearly, the world isn’t enough — Charice, 18, admittedly gets Botox treatments in order to keep her looks — and face — “fresh”:

The 18-year-old Charice, whose singing career rocketed after appearing on Ellen DeGeneres’ and Oprah Winfrey’s talk shows, underwent a 30-minute Thermage skin-tightening procedure and Botox to make her “naturally round face” more narrow, celebrity cosmetic surgeon Vicki Belo told ABS-CBN television.

Oh, come on. Really? You know, it’s one thing to use Botox to correct, you know, flaws if you have them and just can’t stand them (a topic for another day), but it’s a totally different thing to use Botox — a potentially harmful substance as many claim — in a face that’s not even through maturing. For crying out loud, this girl’s not even done breaking out.

Great job, media beauty. You’ve passed your disease along to barely adults. This girl can’t even buy a beer yet, but she’s going under the needle to “freshen” her young, young face.

God help her when she’s twenty and she has the facial stoicisms of Nicole Kidman.

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