Today's Evil Beet Gossip

OK, Chris Brown Should Just Go to Hell Already.

photo of chris brown performing michael jackson tribute at bet awards

Remember I posted Chris Brown’s “heart-warming performance” earlier in the week, where he performed a Michael Jackson tribute at the BET awards? Yes, this very video. Well, some of you readers thought that he was crying big old crocodile tears in order to appear sympathetic to the viewers — and his former fans — and you know what? Looks like you bitches were right.

An exclusive source spoke to Us Magazine and told a reporter that the singer with the most violent tendencies put eye drops in his eyes before the big performance, and that’s what you were actually seeing:

“He rubbed it [eye drops] in and he started crying.”

That’s just lovely. Just when we thought that Brown might have had a soul (ha! And … ha! again!), he goes and plays the facade of someone who feels for others — you know, beyond “feeling” them with closed fists and small, sharp teeth.

Go rot somewhere, you piece of trash.

11 CommentsLeave a comment

  • Looks like he's doing an ET impression but was too stupid to remember how many fingers to put up.

  • This douche bag doesn't deserve the attention he's getting, good, bad or ugly. The truth is, if his last record sold more than 2 copies, he'd be dancing a different jig. I agree with you Sarah…he should rot in hell.

  • surprising how noone is nearly as pissed off about the old dude from Ferris being a pedo as they are at chris brown…just sayin'

  • wow…i really wish you would call mel gibson charlie sheen a piece of trash…oh damn but you wouldnt because your a racist white bitch

  • Really Sarah, you are over the top. How long do you want to crucify the guy…he said he was sorry. I'm not a fan of abuse of anybody but shit…both of them were beating the hell out of each other—she admits it too. She just got her ass beat worse. Don't start no shit —there won't be no shit. Get off this guy's ass — abuse goes BOTH ways.

  • Fantastic article,gratitude targeted putting this consideration! “This is certainly evidently one wonderful column. Belief to make the priceless information as well as insights you have so provided here. Keep up!”

  • It’ funny. Everyone who has hateful comments about Brezzy is white. The most exploitive, destructive, repressive race on earth!

  • the blogger needs to FUCK them self and go 2 hell (and chris doesn’t deserve 2 go 2 hell)