Today's Evil Beet Gossip

Oh. My God.

Mischa Barton was photographed this past weekend looking, well … I guess “like a banana” would be the closest thing to nice I could come by saying.

And no, I’m not kidding: that really is Mischa Barton.

I mean, please believe — I am no shining beacon of supreme bodily perfection either, but I wouldn’t wear these horribly non-flattering plantain-pants to sleep alone in a dark closet, let alone out in public, you know … for other people to actually see.

Damn, girl, you look … better.

Maybe almost.

34 CommentsLeave a comment

  • “I am no shining beacon of supreme bodily perfection either, but I wouldn’t wear these horribly non-flattering plantain-pants to sleep alone in a dark closet, let alone out in public”

    hahaha good one Sarah :D

    Terrible, terrible photos. The poor thing.

  • i’ve seen street walkers in atlantic city wear more flattering outfits.

    lesson learned for mischa, just because you can squeeze your ass in it, doesn’t mean you should wear it.

  • Now I know who beat my Ebay bid when I tried to buy that fucking fat suit that Gwyneth Paltrow wore in that lameass movie where she played the ugly fat chick, Shallow Hal.

  • This has GOT TO BE a late April Fool’s Day joke…. I mean, those underwear in the back?? Come on, she must be playing.

  • The OC was the best thing to happen to her and she threw it away to pursue…. what? I think that she could look great in other clothes, like maybe a cute spring dress. She always looked great on the OC and I dont think she has put on any weight since then, its just the clothes.

  • Girlfriend puts on weight in all the wrong places. Shame! But she does look so huge here. Not being mean but clearly she’s lazy and doesn’t exercise

  • Oh damn girl. I loved it when you were becoming less skinny, but this? Buy more flattering clothes for your new body! PLEASE!

  • Possible mania? Maybe we shouldn’t be so quick to criticize.

    Also, is it possible she went into a treatment facility due to a depressive or manic episode? Hmmmm…

  • Well, really all I can say is I wish I had the same magic mirror at home that she has, so I could think I looked good in things like that too…

  • Wow, this girl’s weight fluctuates like no one I’ve ever seen or met. I live in the West Village, in NYC, and a few months ago I saw Mischa on the street, looking skinny and svelte. That was when her hair was dark. How do you put on this much weight in a few short months? She clearly has a binge eating disorder or an extreme fixation on yo-yo dieting, when one’s weight goes up then down then up then down. It can’t be healthy, and I feel really bad for this girl. She no doubt uses cocaine and pills to slim down, then gets clean, and food becomes her drug. Then she probably starts to hate herself because of her size and goes back to using, and so on.

    I will say she is beginning to remind me a lot of Kirstie Alley. Does anyone else feel this way?

  • She’s really not that fat. I would say she has a BMI of about 24 in these pics… it’s just her clothes look so unflattering it makes every bulge 100x more obvious.

  • I mean, she dosen’t look THAT fat. It’s really just the pants (well, the whole outfit) and the underwear. If she had a cute summer dress on those legs would look damn sexy……

    I think she must have been high as a kite while getting dressed or there wasn’t any natural light so she didnt she those awful panty lines and the yellow didnt seem THAT obscene.

    she’s still beautiful, she just needs to dress for her body.

  • How ’bout this -i’ll pretend she’s 20 pound lighter if she pretends i’m 20 pounds lighter, we hit it and live happily ever after. And I’ll always pretend she’s that hot babe on OC – nothing to worry about, we’ll smoke pot together and live comfortably off my night manager salary.