Today's Evil Beet Gossip

Taylor Momsen is Awesome

Taylor Momsen did an interview with TimesOnline and wowewowwow! It is chock full of really awesome quotes. I don’t know who told this girl that she should be honest to the point of complete irreverence, but I love them. Here’s some of her best quotes from the interview:

On being a role model: “To be honest, I don’t f***ing care. I didn’t get into this to be a role model. So I’m sorry if I’m influencing your kids in a way that you don’t like, but I can’t be responsible for their actions. I don’t care.”

On her new fame: “It’s insane. I literally can’t go out without being interrupted. It’s wild”

On the haters: “Online, there’s a thousand people who are just so mean. There are so many negative comments about just the pettiest things that you can’t even read it.”

On why she’s not like Miley: “Honestly, if I’d have ended up as Hannah Montana, I don’t know if the show would have gone as well. I probably would have told them all to go f*** themselves by the time I hit 11. And I don’t know how that would have gone down. It’s great for Miley, but I really like where I am right now and I feel really fortunate to be able to really be myself.”

On her pals: “I have, like, no friends my age”

On rude mothers: “My favourite blogs are where you get the mothers saying, ‘She’s the worst influence on my daughter, I would never let my daughter dress like that’, or, ‘This girl’s such a whore, she’s a slut’. And I’m, like, you’re a mother! And I’m 16.”

The whole piece is worth a read over, but I have to say: The way this chick talks is impressive. To be sixteen and not give a fuck on this level is pretty remarkable. Most of us, I feel, spend the majority of our late teens and early 20s trying to figure out how to be this “ourselves”, right? I think we can all take a lesson from Taylor Momsen. Except, like, try and care about Haiti a little more than she does, OK?

57 CommentsLeave a comment

  • I get this feeling that she’s just saying it for the sake of it, and deliberatly trying to “shock” people.

    Also, this article wasn’t specifically published for Timesonline, I read it last weekend in the Sunday Times Style Magazine.

  • I actually think she sounds like a spoiled little girl. She is trying to sound all edgy but really comes off as quite immature.

    • Definitely agree.

      I still do NOT understand how the editors and writers of this blog look up to (or respect) celebrities who not only come off as completely rude and immature, but stupid as well.

      Not impressed, “Molls”.

      • ahhhh the age of irreverence. I remember in high school when it was ‘cool’ to claim that you’re more mature than your age because all of your friends are, like, way older… Also the whole ‘I don’t give a fuck because I’m hardened to life’ idea that teenagers like to carry around. It’s pretty obvious that her heavy make up and tiny outfits take a bit of time to put together in the mornings. I’d say she does give a fuck.

      • I have to disagree with everyone who disagrees. This girl is the straight poop! She is living life!. She’s young, rich, and beautiful. Why not throw a little attitude? I did the same thing (without the rich, famous, or beautiful part) when I was young!

        I definitely agree with her not wanting to be a role model. Maybe a roll model for individuality at a young age. But a roll model for boring, stick in the mud suburbia? Nah, I would pass too!

        And she may be saying these things for publicity or whatever, but come on, give the girl a break. It sounds like she leads a great life! She may crash and burn, but for now, let her be wild!

  • she spends her whole life posing (see the accompanying picture) therefore all she does is give a shit what people think about her.

  • I love her sooooo much. Come on, you guys, she’s 16! Of course she’s gonna be all like “I don’t give a fuck.” You didn’t have an attitude when you were 16? LOVE HER.

      • Right?! 90% of the 16 year old girls I deal with have this exact same attitude. There’s nothing remarkable about it at all. And why are we encouraging it?

      • I’m with you there Whit – she isn’t doing anything new or unique carrying around this chip on her shoulder. I went to high school with three hundred kids just like this, myself being one of them – eventually she’ll grow up, get a clue, and realize that at 16 you don’t know a f-cking thing about anything! And p.s. – the outfits are wretch!

    • I was not like that when I was sixteen, and most of the girls I knew (even the ones I hated) were not like that. Sure, there was/is drama and crap, but most that angsty “cursing is cool” stuff is soooo junior high.

  • I completely agree. I was EXACTLY like this from the ages of 13-17. I thought I was sweet because I didn’t give a fuck and then I woke up one day and I stopped being the world’s most annoying person and grew the fuck up. There is absolutely nothing remarkable about her attitude. In fact, it pisses me off. Now Taylor Swift is a different story. She is a little bit older but her popularity took off around the time she was 16. Even then, she was classy, respectful, and grateful for her fame- most of which (Like Taylor’s) is thanks to little girls about whom Momsen apparently “doesnt give a fuck”.

  • I was pretty much like this at 16…no regard for anyone “fuck you, I do what I want.” Sounds like a typical teenager to me. Not sure why you’re so impressed…

    • It’s impressive because none of these commenters were famous when they were sixteen, yourself included, unless you’re amanda bynes in which case when is she’s the man 2 coming out?

      I like that she’s outwardly ballsy like this, because although tons of teenage girls act this way, most of them would fake it in the press to try and be more well-liked and promoted by the public. I.E. Miley, selena, etc. I’m sure they all feel the same way deep down but prefer to pander to parents.


  • There’s nothing impressive about not giving a fuck unless you’re actually talented. And she doesn’t *really* not care about the rest of the world, she’s just trying to protect herself like every other teenage girl.

  • Molls, you’re stupid.

    You’re actually buying into what this “actress/singer/idiot” is saying? Are you kidding me? Her whole persona is based on what people think of her; she doesn’t truly give a fuck, but because people think you’re cool when you act that way, that’s what she does. Please. She’s just trying to be a badass. Kristen Stewart plays the role of “i don’t give a fuck” much better than this whore. And yea, she dresses like a whore.

    • I think she’s trying too hard myself. So we both don’t agree with Molls. But c’mon, don’t call her “stupid”. That’s not very cool…

      • Dude, really? Don’t call her stupid? She writes for a gossip blog. She will be fine. Go get a kid to mother.

  • ohh IIIIIII get it. When you’re a bitch and tell everyone you couldn’t give a f*** about life or anyone in it, you’re just “being yourself” right?

  • Well i have no clue who the fuck this chick is, neither do i care.. But if i had to say something, i’m definately one of those “rude mothers” and i also think her parents must be retarded to let her go out looking like a cheap hooker at the age of 16. So yeah…

  • I think that she is being very immature for her age. I am only 18, so I was 16 just two years ago and I know I didn’t act like that. I was already going to college, I was respectul toward my parents, teachers, and other people I came in contact with. I also didn’t dress like a slut, and my sentences didn’t mainly consist of curse words. She doesn’t have a right to act like that just because she’s famous. It’s not cool, it’s bratty and immature.

  • She sounds like the kind of girl that goes on about how much they “don’t give a fuck” but would probably have a little hissy fit if a bad photo of them got out or everyone stopped paying attention to them.

    “And I’m, like, you’re a mother! And I’m 16.”” Yeah you know what hun, you’re right! So they probably know what they’re talking about.

  • Molls dear, why are you praising someone for not caring about other people? It’s like you’re encouraging narcissism. It’s not even original, I’ve heard this boring shit before from half a dozen posers before her.

  • Aaaaaand that’s why everyone hates teenage girls. I swear, we’re not all like that! I still appreciate life and understand that people who are older than me know a hell of a lot more about how the world works. At least I try.

  • im 16 and shes aggravates the HELL outta me.
    honestly, shes not being cool or real to me. shes that fake stoner who sits behind you in math and thinks shes above it all. GROW UP. some poeple have lived through tradgedies, like HAITI, before they were 16 and they dont resort to walking around with garters looking like a hooker paid in pennies. If your tights dont fit, eat a sandwich or put some pants on!!!!!

    this little trick really irritates me with the way she thinks that the world revolves around her, but shes too aloof to care. Swear to god that if i was her mother, i would smack the taste outta her mouth for dressing like one of Tiger Wood’s escorts.

  • Not to beat a dead horse, but if Miley Cyrus were talking and dressing like this, Molls would be all over her.

  • I love you guys but…in my opinion the LAST thing we nee is another 16 year old who doesn’t give a shit.

  • Usually agree with everything on this site.
    This ah… NO.
    Totally just for shock value.
    I’m disappointed. uggh.

  • It’s slightly humorous that ‘Molls’ will regularly crucify Miley Cyrus for things like getting a puppy or being overly sexual, but the younger, much more crass, much less clothed Taylor Momsen is praised. It’s getting to the point where I just skip the entry if Molls wrote it… I miss the old Evil Beet days.

  • I know I wasn’t like her when I was 16 but the thing which actually made me write a comment was something else. She always states how she doesn’t care about people, doesn’t care about anything but herself etc. Well, look at her and her posy outfits. If she didn’t care, or didn’t try to create an image which isn’t really there, she would’ve dressed like the Olsens – grandma chic or other option – tracksuits and sneakers. She wouldn’t try to hard to look badass and punky. Sorry, Taylor, but you just don’t know yet what life is.

  • Molls this is the stupidest thing you have written. Taylor Momsen trys so hard to be an adult and it only makes it more obvious she is a child. She is a snotty child who should sit in the corner until she has more common sense. Who does this girl think she is? She’s not that talented and she isnt original. Once she really starts getting more paparazzi coverage and we see her stubling out of bars at 4am and the nude pics she took for her much older bf who is using her start to leak, no one will want to work with her and her attitude and she’ll quickly find she has no friends period. We’ve seen it. She should ask Lindsay and Mischa how well things are working out.

  • for the most part, i don’t give a shit what she says or does or smokes – it’s for sure not her job to be a role model. anyway, if your kid’s looking to gossip girl for role models in the first place, something’s already fucked up.
    the haiti thing though – yea, for real girl, get some fucking humanity. and decency. that comment illustrates so much of what is wrong with this world and why it’s like that.

  • This girl needs to be humbled in the worst way. That will inevitably happen at some point, and she will look back at this and cringe. I’m almost cringing for her.

  • Molls, you’re an idiot!

    I knew who i was at 16 – i was 16 and FINDING MYSELF! I wasn’t the person i am now! 6 years later i think of some of the things i did at 16 and cringe, but i also think of some of the things other girls did at 16 and am so glad i didnt go down that path (the one Taylor’s walking down)! She’s in no way ‘being herself’ because she hasn’t become herself yet! She’s being the ‘in thing’ right now – thats the role she’s playing in her game of life! And there is NOTHING in that interview that should be inspirational to us! How have you still got a job?! Its really confusing me! How are so many people unemployed and yet YOU’RE still writing this sh*t?!