Today's Evil Beet Gossip

Kate Gosselin Heads Back to Reality TV

It was really just a matter of time. TLC’s finally announced the plans for Kate Gosselin’s solo-show (no Jon, no kids) and it sounds like it’s going to be obnoxious but completely watchable. The “reality” program is to show Kate out on the world on her own working different jobs. One week we’ll see Kate the hairdresser, the next we might see Kate the pastry chef. There’s no word on how many of these jobs will be in Kate’s local area or how much travelling she’ll have to do for the gigs, but a couple months ago she was filming at a diner in North Carolina where she waited tables.

While I get that Kate claims she has to keep up her hustle as a single mother (I can’t imagine that Jon will have too much to offer down the road in terms of financial support), it concerns me that she’s jumping right back in to the world of reality TV. Especially since she isn’t filming with her children. There are eight kids with recently divorced parents involved who likely need a lot of attention and care right now. It’s hard enough for one person to tend to eight kids, but when that person’s filming a reality show on top of it? Forget it, they won’t see their mom for months.

22 CommentsLeave a comment

  • Reality TV is far more lucrative than any other day job, and I think she’ll be able to work less and make far more money than struggling in a 9-5 job.

  • Do we get to see her working at the Bunny Ranch like the real whore she is?!!!! Seems like that is truly the only job she if fit for.

    • After giving birth to eight kids, I don’t think the Bunny Ranch will want to market her poonanny.

      Hey, I know! Maybe she can get a job as a tunnel!

  • Of course she can’t support them alone with a day job, but Miss It’s All About the Kids is now leaving her kids to be raised with 24-hour, 365 days-a-year professional care takers instead of their parents. Somehow I don’t think that I’m going to watch her play at working a la Paris Hilton and Nicole Richie.

    The observers of Kate with her kids during the filming of J&K+8 said that towards the end of the show, she only related to the kids when the cameras were on and as soon as filming stopped, she was on her phone.

    So now that the baby cash-cows are unemployed, will she relate to them at all? Evidently Jon used to do more of the hands-on parenting and she did more of the scheduling, managing and dictating to the actual caregivers.

    I guess it never occurred to either of them when they made their risky reproductive choices that what kids really need is a loving stable family, not matching everything, professional, full-time parent-substitutes, a perpetually tanned, expensively coiffed, tummy-tucked, family-and-husband rejecting mom and a diamond-earring studded, womanizing, intoxicated deadbeat dad.

  • I thought she and Jon would be staying with the kids on alternating weeks. If this is the case, she can easily manage doing her reality show in the week she is away from the kids without missing out on time with them. Its not like Jon is going to allow her to see them when it is his week- remember Kate crying outside of their house bc Jon wouldnt let her in when he had some girl he was sexing looking after his kids?

  • It takes about two or three weeks of filming to make a ‘season’ of Celebrity Apprentice. I’m pretty sure Kate’s show will take less time. I give her props for doing something that will bring in the big bucks that it takes to raise her 8 kids. Jon is busy snowboarding. Who in the ‘real world’ is going to hire these folks? No one! I doubt anyone would want to bring that type of attention to their business or doctors office. So, that is probably one of the reasons Kate is going with TLC, not to mention she is still under contract with them. I’m not sure why any of us really care………..

  • Never see her kids? She already spends 50% of her time away from her kids due to the custody agreement. She can work her butt off on her ‘away’ weeks and the kids will never know the difference.

    She’ll probably make more $$ from a single episode than most single moms make in a year. The show might actually make her likeable. She’s not that motherly. (Michelle Duggar and that other mom wit 10 kids are more real and nurturing) Maybe this is something she’ll be better at.

  • What is she supposed to do? Get a job at the local Walmart for minimum wage, and supplement her income with welfare?

    Get real. Most single parents need to sacrifice time with their children in order to financially support them. It’s life. I didn’t get to see my (single) mother as much as I would have liked to, but I certainly appreciated having a roof over my head, and food in my belly. I also know that I, personally, will spend time working instead of being with my child – and I’m not even a single parent.

    By continuing her reality show career, she’s probably doing better by her children than many other parents are able to. Yes, there are some weeks where she’ll be on the road – but there are also weeks where she won’t need to work at all. Sure it a trade-off, but many things in life are. Are you going to bitch about every single person who works in the television industry?

    I think it’s a much healthier choice for her to do a solo show, rather than forcing the children to grow up in front of cameras.

    • So all families w/ 5 or more children should be on tv? I don’t think so..every parent needs to work, that’s reality but to go about the way the Gosselins did is f-ed up! Those kids are all going to affected in different ways and probably won’t be in a good way like your self. I agree w/ you that it is much healthier to have just Kate make a solo career than the kids around the cameras. I hope in the long run that this family turns out fine- that’s the show i want to see The Gosselin’s: 10 years later!

  • Considering what kind of parents Jon and Kate truly seem to be, maybe not being around them for a while is the best thing for those kids.

  • kate is a registered nurse. she could make $30 bucks an hour and disappear into the real world instead of whoring her family out in the public. Not only that, if she was smart, she put the crapload of money the kids made for the show into investment funds. she could totally make money in lots of other ways than having her own reality show. i think she is just thirsty for fame. plain and simple.

    • Of course she’s thirsty for fame. She didn’t have her sextuplets by accident. She gambled with her life and their lives because she wanted a TV show.

    • Kate has already set up College Fund Savings Accounts for each child which guarantees their future College educations. It was set up in a Trust Fund that neither parent can touch. Know your facts before you are so quick to say something so negative about Kate.

  • lets start a boycott. nobody watch her show. thats the only way to get her out of our tv and gossip columns

  • Somehow I don’t think Mike Rowe is worried…although, watching Kate undertake some of the ‘Dirty Jobs’ he has could actually be entertaining.

  • TLC could have left her hanging, and ditched a lot of bad press. I think Kate is sharp, and a good business person who Jon was holding back and when he pulled out of that contract because he was being cut out of the show, but still collecting a paycheck for nothing – she handled herself well and they are being loyal to her even though the kids were the real draw and they can no longer be taped, until Jon moves into a dumpster on 43rd because no one is going to work with that rotten twat who breaks contracts right and left and bad mouths his employers. There is no future for micropenis, only weeks at a time in the local jail for failure to pay support. You don’t need a crystal ball to see that. I do think the kids will be filmed in the future, just not full time again. Kate is savvy and knows she’s her kids only hope of a nice decent life. If left up to Jon they’d be in a dumpster with him in 6 months.